News from the Park 

Parent Newsletter 30 17.05.24

Year 1 had a wonderful day building bridges in DT. They wowed me with their excellent designs. They could name the different parts of bridges and explain their functions. Well done Year 1!

Year 2 had a brilliant wow event this week! The children celebrated International Nurses Day and their history topic by dressing up as Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, soldiers and medical staff. The costumes were incredible and the children truly brought history to life with their imaginative outfits -  well done for all the amazing dressing up! During the afternoon, children completed lots of activities, including making articulated puppets, learning the chronology of Florence’s life events and constructing a life-size skeleton. Adding to the excitement, representatives from the North London Hospice visited to share their inspirations for becoming nurses, providing a meaningful and educational experience for all. Many even concluded that a career in medicine is in store for them after this exciting and interactive day!

Year 4 had their camping trip this week at Stubbers Adventure Centre. They had an amazing time taking part in adventurous activities such as canoeing, high ropes, bell boating, Archery and many more. They also enjoyed a fantastic disco, which was a lovely way to round off the experience. The children represented Brunswick Park beautifully, and this was also commented on by the staff at Stubbers. The adults who attended hope Year 4 enjoyed their first residential as much as they did! A massive thank you to the brilliant Brunswick members of staff who supported on the trip. 

A huge well done to our Year 6 superstars who have worked incredibly hard all week completing the Key Stage 2 SATs. They approached each day with great positivity and perseverance. Year 6 should feel very proud of themselves and their amazing achievements. 

Can anybody help?

If you know of a child minder in the Friern Barnet area who can drop off at, and collect children from Brunswick Park, we would be very grateful if you could contact the school office.

Thank you. 

Cancellation of After School Club

Due to various end-of-year events, there will be NO After School Club provision available on the dates below.  We have provided them now to ensure you have sufficient time to arrange alternative childcare. Any existing bookings will be removed and your payments will be credited to your SchoolMoney account.

·         Friday      28th June

·         Wednesday    3rdJuly

·         Friday      12th July

·         Friday            19th July – school finishes at 1.30 pm last day of term

Reading Corner

The children in Year 4 have recently been writing poetry, which will be made into an anthology and will be kept in the library for all the children to peruse.

In the words of Joseph Coehlo, Children’s Laureate and poet, “Through reading poetry, children are able to discover the thoughts and feelings of others, helping to increase empathy… Through writing poetry children can have the experience of their words, their thoughts and feelings, having power, being valid and listened to.” 

This month the shortlist for the CLiPPA (Centre for Literacy in Primary Poetry Award) has been announced. This is the only award that celebrates outstanding poetry published for children in the UK. This may be poetry collections, like our Year 4 anthology or book’s written in verse. 

More details on the shortlist can be found here:

PTA News

Estate Agent Boards

Please click the link below for an estate agent board to go up in front of your home address. 

The *SCHOOL GETS £15 FOR EVERY BOARD* that goes up. It will be up for about 2 weeks before the SUMMER PARTY and 2 weeks after. We’re targeting at least 100 boards this year, please help us achieve this! Every board makes a difference 

Please complete the form by Friday 7th June

Summer Party Estate Agent Boards Consent Form ( 

If you do not wish to have a sign up outside your home, but still would like to contribute towards the summer party, this can be done via SchoolMoney. 

Summer Party stalls 

Calling any parents in the school with any children-related businesses who would like to set up a stall at the Summer Party on Friday 28th June. Each stall will cost £20: this is on a first come first served basis, limited spaces available.

If you are interested or know someone that would be interested, please contact us at

Father’s Day Secret Room 

If you would like your child to participate in the Father's Day Secret Room, children will have a chance to choose a present, wrap it and write a note to their Father or a special person in their life. 


Bookings are available on SchoolMoney under the School Shop option. The cost is £3 per gift.  Please note there is a limit of 2 gifts per child. Please do not purchase more than 2.

Deadline to book on SchoolMoney is at the end of the day on Tuesday 11th June. 

May is Williams Syndrome Awareness Month

Dates for the Diary

Monday 20th May - Year 6 PGL Residential Week

Monday 20th May - 5HS to Hindu Temple

Tuesday 21st May- Year 1 Synagogue Trip- 1BW 9.00am - 10.45am. 1EB 9.45am - 11.30am

Friday 24th May - Break up for Half Term 3.15pm

Monday 3rd June - Back to School 8.50am

Monday 3rd June - Friday 14th June - Year 3 swimming  

Tuesday 4th June- Class photos

Friday 7th June - 2F to Florence Nightingale Museum - Details to follow

Tuesday 11th June - 2R to Florence Nightingale Museum - Details to follow

Wednesday 12th June - Barnet School Music Festival- School Choir - Details to follow

Friday 7th June - PTA non uniform day in exchange for donating a gift to the Father's day Secret Room

Friday 14th June - PTA Father's Day Secret Room

Friday 21st June - Fun Run - Details to follow

Friday 28th June- BP Maths Day - Details to follow

Friday 28th June- PTA Summer Fair

Friday 28th June- No after school club provision

Wednesday 3rd July - No after school club provision

Thursday 4th July - EYFS and KS1 Sports Day- Details to be confirmed

Friday 5th July - KS2 Sports Day- Details to be confirmed

Wednesday 10th July - Year 6 Southend trip - Details to follow

Friday 12th July - Year 6 Disco - Parent led

Friday 12th July - No after school club provision

Wednesday 17th July Year 6 Graduation/Award Ceremony - Details to follow

Monday 15th July - Back up Sports Day

Friday 19th July- Break up for Summer - School closes at 1.30pm

Attendance and Punctuality

Congratulations to 4C again who last week achieved 98.75% attendance.


The classes with the best punctuality were 3A and 4M.


Well done all.