News from the Park 

Parent Newsletter 25 22.03.2024

It was wonderful to see so many of you at this week's Parent Consultations. It is always such a joy to celebrate your children's successes and achievements with you. 

Nursery had the most amazing time at the farm yesterday. The sun shone brightly for them as they explored critters, farm animals, reindeers and meerkats. The Nursery children got to feed the goats and found it very funny when the goats tickled their hands as they licked the food off! The children explored the rabbit and wallaby enclosures, and ended the day playing in the climbing area.

Year 1 are learning about the Easter story in R.E. They had a visit from Reverend Alec, the church rector at St. Mary's Church. He told the Easter story using lots of props from his church. The children found it fascinating and asked him lots of questions.  

Well done to Year 4 who put on a fantastic clarinet and flute performance this morning. The progress they have made is incredible - they were reading music and playing with such confidence. We are very proud of Year 4! A big thank you to Sophie, our wonderful music teacher, too! 

This week, Year 5 visited the Natural History Museum. They had a fantastic time exploring the museum and taking part in a workshop. They particularly liked creating a Rover using a lego prototype and using their coding skills to allow their Rover to move. 

Lost Property

Please check the lost property boxes before the end of term next Thursday. All named items have been reunited with their owners. However, there is still a vast amount of unlabelled items to be claimed.

Neurodiversity Week

This week has been the national events of Neurodiversity Week and Sign Language Week. It has been a celebration of the strengths, talents and differences of our community. Brunswick Park "signed up" for the Big Sign language lesson and have talked about how we can value our differences. We know that amazing things can happen when we share these differences. 

Science Week


This week the children had great fun taking part in a workshop to celebrate Science Week with a focus on 'Time'. They learnt all sorts of fun facts explaining how different birds have adapted and evolved over time to suit their environment. The children then took part in activities in which they made either a preening peacock, pecking woodpecker or a bird whistle.  We hope this has given the children more of an insight into our diverse planet and how these animals have changed over time. We also look forward to seeing their #ScienceSelfies on Monday showing their own investigations! 

Comic Relief

Thank you to everyone who supported our Red Nose Riddle day for Comic Relief. We raised a fantastic £420.00.For anyone that wants to you can still donate on SchoolMoney.

Reading Corner

Book Fair

Thank you so much to everyone who came to visit us at the bookfair last week.  With your support, we have raised over £200 to spend on new books for our library.  The librarians will be checking the suggestion box to see what everyone would like to see in the library.

Yoto Carnegie Award for Illustration

Next week, we will be launching our shadowing for the above award. 

The Yoto Carnegies are the UK’s longest running and well renowned children’s book awards, recognising outstanding reading experiences created through writing and illustration in books for children and young people.  The Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration is awarded by children’s librarians for an outstanding book in terms of illustration for children and young people. Former winners include Lauren Child, Chris Riddell, Shirley Hughes and Raymond Briggs.

As shadowers, every class will read each book on the shortlist and vote for their favourite to win the Shadowers’ Choice Award.

Here are the nominated titles we will be reading:

Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 26th March- Year 4 Stubbers parents meeting 9.15am

Thursday 28th March- Nursery Open Day 9.30am-11.30am

Thursday 28th March - PTA Easter Bunny visits

Thursday 28th March - Break up for Easter Holidays 1.30pm

Monday 15th April - Summer Term- Back to school 8.50am

Friday 19th April - Reception - Cook for Books Cake Sale

Monday 22nd April- Reception Class Parents Evening

Tuesday 23rd April- Reception Class Parents Evening

Attendance and Punctuality

Congratulations to 2R, 4C and 6K who all achieved 98% attendance last week.  

The classes with the best punctuality were 2R and 4M.    

Well done all.


Family Easter Egg Extravaganza 🐣



Our very own Miss Georgia is EGGcited to announce tickets for her family Easter event are NOW ON SALE via the link.

What’s  included in your ticket price- 

🐥Petting Zoo experience with @furryandscaly 

🐰Meet & Greet with the Easter Bunny @fixationparties @fixationacademy 

 🎤Live Entertainment from @littlebearsplaygroup ,  @zipzaptottenhamenfield and @theaslanoffschoolofdance 

🥚 Easter Egg Hunt with prizes to be won 

👸🏻 Meet & Greet and entertainment from the Encanto Flower Princess @aprincesstale 

🏰 Bouncy castle @bubblesandbounceparty 

🛝Softplay @bubblesandbounceparty 

🫧 MessyPlay @anotherfinemesslondon 

🎨 Face painting 

🌟 Glitter tattoos 

🚗 Ride ons 

🖼️ Arts and Crafts 

☀️ Weather permitting - Outdoor play 

Additional cost- 

🍰 Yummy treats and drinks from @blondebakesbydonna 

🎈 Balloons 

🐴 Pony Rides 

Tickets for this event are limited so once they’re gone they’re gone! Don’t miss out on this fun filled morning for the whole family to enjoy and book your tickets today! 🌸

We can’t wait to see you all there!