News from the Park 

Parent Newsletter 24 15.03.2024

We have had lots of fun celebrating Red Nose Day and raising funds for Comic Relief today. We all had a great time solving riddles - Year 6 also made delicious chocolate tiffin! A big thank you to our School Council, Miss Heath and Coach Alfie for organising another fun-filled day.

Year 1 have had a very busy week. To support their science learning about animals, 1BW went on a class trip to visit Lee Valley Adventure Park Farm. They saw so many different animals, including ones not usually found on a farm. They saw reindeers, meerkats, wallabies, chinchillas, rats, fish, stick insects, tortoises, rabbits, guinea pigs, ponies, donkeys, goats, pigs and many more! They had an education talk from an animal keeper, did an eye spy spotting activity and got to hand feed the goats - they had a great day! Many thanks to the PTA for funding part of the trip - it wouldn't have been possible without their support! 

1EB visited Osidge Library for a reading for pleasure session and story time.

We have loved welcoming back Sue Sellars from maternity leave. I know that Sue has had a lovely time catching up with our Brunswick Park families and staff, and getting to know the wonderful Reception children.

Mrs Sem, our Maths Lead and Assistant Headteacher, and I are having a marvellous time visiting maths lessons across the school. We have been blown away by the excellent teaching and learning we have seen, and the fantastic problem-solving and reasoning strategies children were applying with such confidence. From estimating and counting the Big Bad Wolf's footsteps in Nursery to a problem-solving extravaganza in Year 6, it is clear to see that children at Brunswick Park thoroughly enjoy maths.

We look forward to seeing you at next week's parent consultations (Nursery and Year 1-Year 6) on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th March.

Have a great weekend!

Pupil Voice

Pupil voice is very important to us at Brunswick Park. This half term, we wanted to seek children's thoughts and ideas linked to their science and history learning. 

Mrs Bischiniotis is our History Lead at Brunswick Park. She had a brilliant time talking to some children from years 1 - 6. To celebrate history learning across the school, the children had the opportunity to reflect on their learning experiences and express their views. Here are some of their comments:

"We love going out on school trips and have hands-on workshops."

"Our teachers help us to enjoy our lessons."

"Learning history helps us to learn form the past and plan for the future."

"History is very interesting: we feel like time travellers when we study different civilisations and cultures."

Miss McCafferty is our Science Lead and had a wonderful time talking to children about science. Miss McCafferty said that it was so lovely to be able to speak with children from each class about science, find out what they've been learning and discover what they enjoy most about science. From these conversations, children expressed how they love the practical investigations and experiments as 'they make it easier to understand what we are being taught because you can actually see it happening'. When Miss McCafferty asked the children why they think we teach science and why its important, a large number of the children responded by saying that 'it helps us to learn why things work the way they do and gives us a stronger understanding of the world'. Miss McCafferty was keen to discover if there was anything that they were looking forward to learning as they moved up the school. It was delightful to see their excitement about the different topics that they have heard about from older siblings/children from other year groups.  

Reading Corner


World Book Day

It was fantastic to see so many children taking part in WBD last week, dressed either as their favourite book characters or in snuggly clothing or for some in both!

Each class read the book ‘Love is … a celebration of love in all its forms’ by Sarah Maycock and all the children produced some artwork about what reading means to them.  We will be choosing our favourites and displaying a selection in the library.  Have a look at the sneak peak below.

Many classes met with their buddy readers for a shared reading session.  The older children really enjoy being reading role models to the younger children and it’s a great way for them to build relationships across the school.

Cook for Books

Well done Year 2 for raising just over £150 for new books in your classroom.  Next Friday it is the turn of Year 1 to host the next cake sale.  Please drop off cake donations to the Year 1 classrooms in the morning.  Good luck!


Neuro Diversity Week

We will be participating in the celebration of Neuro Diversity Week 18th March-22nd March 2024. The aim of this week is to understand about neuro diversity and to celebrate our strengths and differences. We will be introducing the children to some definitions and showing them a short video. Here is the link to the video as recommended by the Barnet Autism Advisory Team: 

Food Bank Aid

We are collecting for Food Bank Aid from Monday 18th March until Friday 22nd March. Food Bank Aid will be collecting all donations on Friday morning and so please do give what you are able to prior to this time.

Drop off points will be at the front in the main school office and the main playground. All donations are welcome.

Please see the information on the right for items that are needed.

PTA Updates

PTA meeting postponed to Friday 22nd March at 9am in Parent hub

Final figure for the Mother’s Day Secret Room event is £749.

Thank you to all parents/carers for their contributions and we hope the children enjoyed picking out presents for their mothers.

Dates for the Diary

Monday 18th March- Rocksteady Concert 9.15am

Monday 18th March- Food Bank Week

Monday 18th March- Science Week

Monday 18th March - Parents Evening 3.30pm-7.30pm (excluding Reception)  

Tuesday 19th March - Parents Evening 3.30pm-5.30pm (excluding Reception)  

Wednesday 20th March - 5HS Natural History Museum trip

Thursday 21st March- Nursery Lee Valley Farm trip

Friday 22nd March - Year 4 Music Concert

Friday 22nd March - PTA meeting in the Parent Hub- 9am

  Friday 22nd March - 5H Natural History Museum trip  

Friday 22nd March - Year 1 Cook for Books Cake Sale

Tuesday 26th March- Year 4 Stubbers parents meeting 9.15am

Thursday 28th March- Nursery Open Day 8.30am-11.30am

Thursday 28th March - PTA Easter Bunny visits

Thursday 28th March - Break up for Easter Holidays 1.30pm

Monday 15th April - Summer Term- Back to school 8.50am

Friday 19th April - Reception - Cook for Books Cake Sale

Attendance and Punctuality

Congratulations to 1BW who achieved 97.68% attendance last week.  

The classes with the best punctuality were 2F, 2R and 4M.

Well done all.


Family Easter Egg Extravaganza 🐣



Our very own Miss Georgia is EGGcited to announce tickets for her family Easter event are NOW ON SALE via the link.

What’s  included in your ticket price- 

🐥Petting Zoo experience with @furryandscaly 

🐰Meet & Greet with the Easter Bunny @fixationparties @fixationacademy 

 🎤Live Entertainment from @littlebearsplaygroup ,  @zipzaptottenhamenfield and @theaslanoffschoolofdance 

🥚 Easter Egg Hunt with prizes to be won 

👸🏻 Meet & Greet and entertainment from the Encanto Flower Princess @aprincesstale 

🏰 Bouncy castle @bubblesandbounceparty 

🛝Softplay @bubblesandbounceparty 

🫧 MessyPlay @anotherfinemesslondon 

🎨 Face painting 

🌟 Glitter tattoos 

🚗 Ride ons 

🖼️ Arts and Crafts 

☀️ Weather permitting - Outdoor play 

Additional cost- 

🍰 Yummy treats and drinks from @blondebakesbydonna 

🎈 Balloons 

🐴 Pony Rides 

Tickets for this event are limited so once they’re gone they’re gone! Don’t miss out on this fun filled morning for the whole family to enjoy and book your tickets today! 🌸

We can’t wait to see you all there!