News from the Park
Parent Newsletter 23 08.03.2024
Our Brunswick Park dancers wowed us at the Barnet Dance Festival 2024 that took place on Wednesday. A huge well done to the Brunswick Park dancers! They represented the school beautifully, shone brightly and performed like superstars. We are very proud of them all! Also, a massive well done and thank you to Miss Georgia, and thank you to the staff who accompanied the children.
1EB had a wonderful day out at Lee Valley Adventure Park Farm where they saw lots of different animals to support their science learning on Animals, including humans. They had an education talk from one of the animal keepers and got to hand feed the goats. 1BW are looking forward to this trip next week!
A big thank you to the PTA for organising the Mother’s Day Secret Room event.
Over the next few weeks, we have lots of fun events taking place including Red Nose Day, Science Week and school trips. I look forward to telling you all about them soon.
Have a lovely weekend!
Reading Corner
Happy World Book Day everyone!
The aim of World Book Day (WBD) is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own. Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success – more than their family circumstances, parents’ educational background or income.
Your child will come home today with their very own book and you will find attached to this newsletter a digital voucher, which you can use to buy another of the WBD books or put it towards the cost of a full price book.
Wonky Heart Challenge
Last term, Year 6 hosted the Wonky Heart Challenge and with your support we raised £406.50 for The Royal Free Charity. The money has gone towards books and toys for the children's ward in the hospital. Well done to everyone!
Young Editors Club
This week was the inaugural meeting of the Year 3 Young Editors Club. We are excited to start this project which gives children the opportunity to give a publisher feedback on one of their author’s soon to be published books. We are reading Porky Pies by Ross Montgomery (author of over 20 books including The Midnight Guardians and The Chime Seekers) and My Brian by Helen Rutter (author of The Boy who made Everyone Laugh).
Book Fair
Our Book Fair starts next week and will run until Thursday after school. We will be under the shelter from 3.15pm until the gates close. Remember, for every purchase you make the school will earn a commission that can be spent on books for our library.
You will be able to use the WBD tokens at the fair, and pay either by cash or card.
With Ramadan starting next week, we have been approached by some children with regard to their intention to fast during this period. Whilst there is no obligation for children to fast, as a school we are happy to support children who have expressed a preference to try. In line with guidance, we will monitor those children who have opted to fast and will inform parents if at any stage we are concerned that the lack of food or drink during the school day has had a negative impact and adjust the approach to the fast accordingly. If you wish for your child to observe this period of fasting or if you have any questions, in relation to this, please speak to your child's class teacher or email the school office.
PE and Sports News
Some year 3 and 4 children attended football festivals this week. They represented the school with a wonderful spirit and worked together as a team so well. There were brilliant goals and lots of hard work from everyone. What impressed us most was the attitude of the children, always looking to support each other, stay positive and shake hands with the opposition. Well done everyone.
Mr Reisman's PE Awards
Dates for the Diary
Monday 11th March until Thursday 14th March - Book Fair
Thursday 14th March- 1BW Lee Valley Farm trip
Thursday 14th March - 6F RAF Workshop- Details to follow
Friday 15th March - Red Nose Day
Friday 15th March- PTA Meeting in the Parent Hub
Monday 18th March- Rocksteady Concert 9.15am
Monday 18th March - Parents Evening 3.30pm-7.30pm (excluding Reception)
Tuesday 19th March - Parents Evening 3.30pm-5.30pm (excluding Reception)
Wednesday 20th March - 5HS Natural History Museum trip
Thursday 21st March- Nursery Lee Valley Farm trip
Friday 22nd March - 5H Natural History Museum trip
Friday 22nd March - Year 1 Cook for Books Cake Sale
Tuesday 26th March- Year 4 Stubbers parents meeting 9.15am
Thursday 28th March- Nursery Open Day 8.30am-11.30am
Thursday 28th March - PTA Easter Bunny visits
Thursday 28th March - Break up for Easter Holidays 1.30pm
Monday 15th April - Summer Term- Back to school 8.50am
Friday 19th April - Reception - Cook for Books Cake Sale
Attendance and Punctuality
Congratulations to 2F who achieved 98.21% attendance last week.
The classes with the best punctuality were RB and 3A.
Well done all.