News from the Park
Parent Newsletter 21 23.02.2024
Welcome back to the second half of the spring term.
We have started the half term with many exciting learning opportunities taking place across the school. It has been brilliant to see children enthusiastic about their new projects and units of work.
We love learning from inspirational people. On Tuesday, Year 3 - Year 6 were visited by Karen McCombie. She gave a talk to each Key Stage 2 year group, where she covered topics including myths around what it is like to be an author, her struggles as a reader when young, and a quick guide to how books are made - from ideas in an author's head to a finished product on a library/bookshop shelf.
Year 3 had a fabulous time at the Natural History Museum on Wednesday. They thoroughly enjoyed exploring the Volcanoes and Earthquake exhibition, especially the earthquake simulator. They were excited every time they found a fact they already knew and were enthused when they discovered something new. Year 3 were exceptional ambassadors for Brunswick Park and we are proud of them all.
Year 6 had a marvellous time this week when they ran pancake day! A big thank you to wonderful Year 6 and the Year 6 team for making it such a fun day.
We had lots of fun at the PTA Friendship Discos! A big thank you to the PTA for organising such a fun-filled event.
I wish you a wonderful weekend.
School value
Our school value this half term is respect. Being respected by important people in our lives growing up teaches us how to be respectful to others.
Respect means that you respect people for who they are even if they are different from you or you do not agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety and well-being. Respect is when you treat people in the way that you would like them to treat you.
Parent Consultations
Parent consultations are taking place on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th March 2024 for Nursery and years 1 - 6.
Reception parent consultations will take place after the Easter Break. Dates will be shared soon.
Information about how to book an appointment will be sent out next week.
PTA Updates
Friendship Disco:
Thank you for all the parent volunteers helping at the Disco.
The children had a smashing time.
The discos raised a whopping £1,156. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Mother's Day Secret Room
Friday 1st March - donations in exchange for non-uniform day
Friday 8th March - Mother's Day Secret Room
£3 per child - bookings can be made on school money from next week.
Reading Corner
Back in October, Brunswick Park were selected as a judging school for the Royal Society’s Young People’s Book Prize again. Since then, a group of year 5 and 6 children have been busily reading and reviewing the shortlist. This culminated in a final meeting yesterday, where a long and sometimes heated discussion took place to decide who Brunswick Park’s vote would go to. The panel decided that Live Like a Hunter Gatherer by Naomi Walmsley was the best science book by a very narrow margin.
Our vote has been submitted, and will be counted with all the other schools taking part in the competition. We will find out in the next few months who received the most votes. In the meantime, all the shortlisted titles have been added to our library for all the children to enjoy.
Author Visit – Karen McCombie
Karen McCombie, an author of over 100 books, entertained Key Stage 2 with a talk about the random places she gets her inspiration from for her writing. She talked about her own struggles with reading as a child, which was inspirational to hear. She also provided an insight into the long process of book publishing. It was delightful to see the children so engaged and full of questions for her.
Cook for Books
Congratulations to Year 4 who raised a whopping £168 at their bake sale. This week is the turn of Year 3 to host the sale - good luck!
The remaining Cook for Books cake sales to raise money for books in the classrooms are on the following dates:
Friday 8th March – Year 2
Friday 22nd March – Year 1
Friday 19th April – Reception
World Book Day Friday 8th March 2024
Although World Book Day is celebrated nationally on Thursday 7th March, we will be celebrating it on Friday 8th March. We would like the children to dress in comfy clothes ready to enjoy lots of reading – they may choose to wear PJs, lounge wear or of course if they wish to dress up as their favourite book character they may.
On the day we will be giving every child a book to take home, as well as a World Book Day voucher, which they can spend on a World Book Day £1 book or use it to spend on a full priced book at any participating book store or supermarket. They will also be able to use it on full priced books at our Book Fair that will be taking place the following week (11th -14th March).
World Book day Menu on 7th March 2024
Although we are celebrating World Book Day on the 8th March, the kitchen will be serving a World Book Day lunch on 7th March. Please see the menu on the right.
Dates for the Diary
Friday 1st March - Non Uniform day in exchange for Mother's Day Secret Room donations
Friday 8th March - World Book Day
Friday 8th March - Year 2 Cook for Books Cake Sale
Friday 8th March - PTA Mother's Day Secret Room
Monday 11th March until Thursday 14th March - Book Fair
Friday 15th March - Red Nose Day
Friday 15th March- PTA Meeting in the Parent Hub
Monday 18th March - Parents Evening 3.30-7.30 (excluding Reception) - Details to follow
Tuesday 19th March - Parents Evening 3.30-5.30 (excluding Reception) - Details to follow
Wednesday 20th March - 5HS Natural History Museum trip- Details to follow
Friday 22nd March - 5H Natural History Museum trip- Details to follow
Friday 22nd March - Year 1 Cook for Books Cake Sale
Tuesday 26th March- Year 4 Stubbers parents meeting 9.15am
Thursday 28th March - PTA Easter Bunny visits
Thursday 28th March - Break up for Easter Holidays 1.30pm
Monday 15th April - Summer Term- Back to school 8.50am
Friday 19th April - Reception Cook for Books Cake Sale
Attendance and Punctuality
Congratulations to 3TJ who achieved 98.33% attendance the week before half term. The classes with the best punctuality were 1EB and 3A.
Well done all.