News from the Park 

Parent Newsletter 14 15.12.23

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair! It was a truly fun and festive event - it was lovely to catch up with so many of you and seeing the children having so much fun. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our brilliant PTA for organising another fantastic event, the parent volunteers for their hard work, our Brunswick Park staff for their incredible effort and everyone who supported the fair whether it was donating items, helping out on a stall or coming along to enjoy the day. We are very lucky to have such a brilliant Brunswick Park community. The total raised was a whopping £6437.00.

The Christmas holiday is fast approaching and there is excitement in the air. This week, Reception performed their Nativity. Their singing was sensational and their dancing was delightful - we were all so proud of them. Nursery performed their Winter Concert to their families today. They brought huge smiles to our faces - thank you Nursery! A small choir visited the North London Hospice to perform some carols. They represented our school wonderfully and sang absolutely beautifully. 

A big thank you and well done to Year 1 for their contributions to their reverse advent calendar - it was a huge success! All the generous donations were delivered to Food Bank Aid today. 

Next week is very busy with end of term events. We are all very excited for the pantomime and Brunswick's Got Talent. 

Have a brilliant weekend!

Pantomime Information for Wednesday 20th December

Reception and Year 1

Children should arrive at 8.30am on this day to ensure they are in school on time, ready to walk to Church Hill for the panto. Children must not be taken directly to Church Hill - they must be in school and registered. 

They will be leaving school promptly at 8.45am.

If your child is late, they may unfortunately miss the panto.

Children will be walking to Church Hill so please make sure they are wrapped up warm (full school uniform is required).

Parent volunteers are not required for this trip but we thank you to those who have offered.

Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4

On this day, we are applying a soft start approach to help avoid congestion in the playground and ensure safe journey up to Church Hill for the younger classes who are leaving school at 8.45am. 

Children can arrive from 8.30am and head straight to their classrooms. 

Children will be walking to Church Hill so please make sure they are wrapped up warm (full school uniform is required). 

Please provide your child with a healthy morning break snack; they will be eating lunch on their return. 

Parent volunteers are not required for this trip but we thank you to those who have offered.

Year 5 and Year 6

On this day, we are applying a soft start approach to help avoid congestion in the playground and ensure safe journey up to Church Hill for the younger classes who are leaving school at 8.45am. 

Children can arrive from 8.30am and head straight to their classrooms. 

Children will be walking to Church Hill so please make sure they are wrapped up warm (full school uniform is required). 

Parent volunteers are not required for this trip but we thank you to those who have offered.

Due to timings of the pantomime, it is likely that Year 5 and Year 6 will return to Brunswick Park slightly later than the usual pick up time so please collect them at 3.30pm from their classroom.

All children will be dismissed from their classroom - this includes independent walkers. No children will be dismissed from Church Hill.

Active London Holiday Club

Active London is running from 2nd-5th January 2024 at Brunswick Park Primary School. Full price £35.00 a day. 15% Early Bird discount code is SNOW15. This ends on the 22nd December.

Osidge Library

Please see details of an event happening tomorrow at the library.

Dates for the Diary

Monday 18th December- Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December - Year 1 Christmas Concert 2.00pm

Tuesday 19th  December- Year 3 - Ancient Egyptian Art Day

Tuesday 19th  December- Year 5 Carol Concert 9am

Wednesday 20th December- Pantomime- soft start from 8.30

Thursday 21st December - Break up for Christmas at 1.30pm

Spring Term

Monday 8th January 2024- Back to school 8.50am

Attendance and Punctuality


Congratulations to 2F who achieved 98.39% attendance last week. The class with the best punctuality goes to RA and 1EB. Well done.

Celebration assembly will be happening next week and certificates will be published then.