News from the Park
Parent Newsletter 13 8.12.23
Over the past few weeks, Year 5 pupils have been rehearsing for the CHBP carol concert; their beautiful singing has been drifting through the corridors. On Tuesday evening, they performed in the carol concert at St Mary's Church. It was a very special event and Year 5 made us all very proud. Thank you to everyone involved and to those who attended.
The Christmas Fair is tomorrow (12pm - 3pm)! It is going to be a brilliantly fun event and is the perfect way to start the festive season. I hope to see you there!
Christmas Card Competition
Well done to everyone who entered Theresa Villiers MP Christmas Card Competition 2023! A massive congratulations to Ifan (6K) whose entry was highly commended! All children who entered will be presented with certificates.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 11th December - RA Church visit
Tuesday 12th December- RB Church visit
Thursday 14th December- Reception Nativity 9.15am
Monday 18th December- Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
Monday 18th December - Year 1 Christmas Concert 2.30pm
Tuesday 19th December- Year 3 - Ancient Egyptian Art Day
Wednesday 20th December- Pantomime (details have been sent by email)
Thursday 21st December - Break up for Christmas at 1.30pm
Spring Term
Monday 8th January 2024- Back to school 8.50am
Attendance and Punctuality
Congratulations to 4C who achieved 98.67% attendance last week. The class with the best punctuality goes to 1EB. Well done.