News from the Park
Parent Newsletter 12 1.12.2023
We have had another brilliant week at Brunswick Park.
All schools in Barnet have a Learning Network Inspector who visit schools throughout the year. This week, we were visited by our Learning Network Inspector who came to see all the fantastic teaching and learning that goes on at Brunswick Park. She visited some classrooms and was incredibly impressed with the science, history and maths learning that she saw. She commented on the happy, positive atmosphere across the school.
Today, Year 4 kicked the weekend off with a very special flute and clarinet performance. Each week, I hear them playing their instruments on a Friday morning and the progress week to week is wonderful to hear. They were amazing and made us all very proud. Well done Year 4!
Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Cake Sale
At Monday's cake sale, we raised a wonderful £550 for the Red Cross (incorporating Magen David Adom and the Red Crescent). A big thank you to the parents who ran this event and a big thank you once again to our incredible Brunswick Park community for your generosity.
Winter is here
The weather is definitely getting cold now. Please ensure children come to school wrapped up - please label all items of clothing including hats, scarves and gloves so that they can easily be returned if they get lost.
As you will be aware, schools are required to closely monitor children's attendance at school and contact families individually if their child(ren)'s attendance is a concern. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all our families that, for the sake of their social skills, friendships, progress and attainment, it is absolutely vital for children to be at school as much as possible, and that they should only be kept away from school when they are definitely not well enough to attend.
Holidays must not be taken in term time and even if we are informed in advance, we are not able to authorise absence of this nature. Please refer to the graph which will give you an understanding of the impact of absence on children's progress and attainment.
Free Dr Bike service coming to Barnet's car parks in December
Barnet Council’s Parking team has arranged free Dr Bike sessions run by qualified bicycle mechanics in December. Members of the public can take along their bicycles to have a free, full safety check, which includes the condition of tyres, rims, gears, brake function and tyre pressure and adjustments can be made if required.
The sessions will take place on the following dates between 9am and 3pm.
Lodge Lane Car Park, North Finchley, N12
Watling Avenue Car Park, Burnt Oak, HA8
Stapylton Car Park, Barnet, EN5
Marsh Drive Car Park, West Hendon, NW7
Watling Avenue Car Park, Burnt Oak, HA8
Lodge Lane Car Park, North Finchley, N12
Marsh Drive Car Park, West Hendon, NW7
Stapylton Car Park, Barnet, EN5
Internet Awareness and Social Media
Please click on this very useful link that provides important information about the risks of social media for children and tips for keeping children safe online. It is important that children only access appropriate age-related sites. Many popular social media apps have an age rating of 13+. These include Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, Twitter and Wink.
We would also like to remind you of the website which provides up to date information about the games, websites and apps that children are currently using. Please take a moment to explore this website - there are some very useful videos and blogs which will help keep you informed about what is available to your children online and tips on how to keep them safe.
It is important that children only watch films that are appropriate for their age. This website enables you to check the age rating for films:
This website also offers useful information for parents:
Mr Reisman's PE Awards
Please click the links below for Mr Reisman's PE Awards.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 4th December- Year 3 British Museum Trip
Tuesday 5th December- Year 5 Carol Concert
Friday 8th December- Non Uniform day for bottle donations for the Christmas Fair
Saturday 9th December- Christmas Fair 12-3pm
Thursday 14th December- Reception Nativity 9.30am
Monday 18th December- Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
Monday 18th December - Year 1 Christmas Concert 2pm
Wednesday 20th December- Pantomime
Thursday 21st December - Break up for Christmas at 1.30pm
Spring Term
Monday 8th January 2024- Back to school 8.50am
Attendance and Punctuality
Congratulations to 4M who achieved 99.66% attendance last week. The class with the best punctuality goes to 4M. Well done to both classes.
PTA - Christmas Fair Raffle
Please click on the link below to enter the raffle.