News from the Park 

Parent Newsletter 10 17.11.23

Throughout the week, children have been taking part in many activities as part of Anti-Bullying Week 2023. The theme for this year is "Make a Noise about bullying!" It was wonderful to see so many odd socks on Monday!​ The socks were worn as a symbol of difference and acceptance. To introduce the week, the children took part in an assembly led by Tracy and Miss Heath, organised by the Anti-bullying Alliance. The assembly provided key messages about speaking out against bullying. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we had some fantastic workshops led by external companies.

A performing arts company called "Bigfoot" presented an interactive anti-bullying programme for Year 1 - Year 4 with the aim of encouraging children to respect themselves and each other at school, in their homes, in the community and online.  It was a creative and interactive experience with a very important message.

Education Child Protection visited Brunswick Park to speak with our Year 5 and 6 classes. Lots of discussions took place about bystanders, cyberbullying and stereotyping.  These anti-bullying sessions explored the importance of respecting others even when they are different and supported children with practical steps they can take to improve relationships.  This also forms part of our Relationships and Health Education curriculum.

Anti-bullying activities also took place in class for all of our children across the school. It has been brilliant to hear the children talking about the important messages they have explored throughout the week. 


We love it when parents and carers come into school as special visitors. Nursery and Reception were very lucky as they were visited by parents this week who came to speak to them about Diwali and how they celebrate with their families. Thank you to our wonderful parent visitors!


Year 5 and Year 6 had an amazing time taking part in Virtual Reality workshops to enhance their history learning. As part of their ancient Maya project, Year 5 were transported to Chichen Itza, visited ancient Maya ruins and learnt about the games they used to play. As part of their World War Two learning, Year 6 became immersed in this period and even became pilots of a WWII plane!

Today we supported Children in Need. We had a wonderful time raising money and decorating Pudsey biscuits! It has been a fantastically fun day raising lots of money for this very important charity. Thank you to everyone who got involved. 


Year 2 had a brilliant morning performing at the Infant Music Festival 2023. They sang beautifully and made us all very proud - well done Year 2!​


I wish you a brilliant weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Conflict in Israel and Gaza  

As a school, we have been approached by a group of parents with regard to organising a fundraising event to support children impacted by the conflict in the Middle East.

As a result, we have decided to support the Red Cross (incorporating Magen David Adom and the Red Crescent) appeal who are raising funds for all families affected by this conflict.

As a school, we remain neutral and impartial, however we wish to respond to this humanitarian need in line with the wishes of members of our school community.

On Monday 27th November, a group of parents will be holding a cake sale to support the Red Cross with their efforts.

Phonics Workshop

Thank you to everyone who attended the phonics workshop on Tuesday.

You were a fabulous audience and asked valuable questions which supported everyone.

Apologies to anyone who wanted to attend, but could not make the suggested date.

Please use the link below to access the PowerPoint and resources shared during the workshop. 

PTA Messages and Reminders


Friday 24th November is non uniform day in exchange for donating sweets and chocolates for the Christmas fair.

Please ensure that there are no nuts.



We are asking for any Christmas decorations or Christmas trees.


If you are able to LEND anything of these sorts, to be used at the Christmas fair and returned to you afterwards please email us on


Thank you, your support is always appreciated



Book Fair

Our Book Fair starts on Monday 20th November and runs through to Thursday 23rd November.  It will take place from 3.15pm under the shelter in the main playground. 

This is a great opportunity to get some early Christmas shopping done whilst also supporting your school.  Every book that is purchased from the fair earns us credit to exchange for books for our library.

You can pay by cash or card on the day and there are books suitable for children from Nursery to Year 6. 

See you there!

Mr Reisman's PE Awards

Please click the links below for Mr Reisman's PE Awards. 

Dates for the Diary

Friday 24th November- Non Uniform day for chocolate and sweet donations for the Christmas Fair

Monday 20th November - Thursday 23rd November- Book Fair (under the shelter)

Wednesday 22nd November- School photos sweep up-pm

Wednesday 22nd November- Wonky Heart Challenge

Thursday 23rd  November- 1EB to Barnet Museum

Friday 24th November - 1BW to Barnet Museum

Monday 27th November- Red Cross cake sale

Friday 8th December- Non Uniform day for bottle donations for the Christmas Fair

Saturday 9th December- Christmas Fair 12-3pm

Monday 18th December- Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Wednesday 20th December- Pantomime- Details to follow

Thursday 21st December - Break up for Christmas at 1.30pm

Attendance and Punctuality


Congratulations to 4C who achieved 98.76% attendance last week. The classes with the best punctuality goes to 4M and 1EB. Well done all.