Micro:bit: Getting Started

Do you have Micro:bits, but you're not sure how to get started?  Teachers, you can just press play on these videos with your classes. 

Taking out Micro:bit, taking a look, all of the features.

Lesson 1 continued. Our first program; flashing heart. Don't forget about the HINT button! Flashing heart.

Lesson 1 continued. Micro

After these lessons, try doing Micro Chat and Rock Paper Scissors. Those are both great and should give you ideas for other fun things to do.  If you have version 2, you can also consider doing a virtual pet

Slides for these lessons to display while students code.

Getting Started with Micro:bit Coding in the Classroom Website Slides

Hex Files and resources. Micro:bit code saves as a .hex file. You can download them right from this folder. You can see and use working examples of some of these projects. 

InkSmith Climate Action Kits

Plant watering system



Inksmith Climate Action Kits Coding with Micro:bits
