Qualıty Educatıon

There are about 57 mıllıon chıldren ın the world who don't have an educatıon.

What is Quality Education?

Many people think that "Quality Education" is the focusing of literacy and numeracy, or the way of teaching to help students learn to their full potential. But "Quality Education" actually is how students develop their mind to become an active member of the society.

"I support Sustainable Global Goals Number 4: Quality Education because ıf we don't get qualified education, we can't get a job in the future. If we don't get a job, we can't earn money."

What's the problem?

Many areas of the world are struggling because people aren't getting a quality education. The main areas that are affected include parts of South America, Asia, and Africa. Children are less likely to have a quality education if they live in rural areas, if they are poor, or if they have parents that have little to no education.

Data shows that 59 million children and 65 million adolescents were not in school, (as of 2013).

About Quality Ed.MP4

How can we allow this to continue?

Quality Ed Informational.MOV

This is what is happening to millions around the world. This problem can and must be fixed as soon as possible.

Quality Ed no bloopers.MOV

This is an example of what life can be like for people who are deprived of a quality education.

School Days

A Short Story

Star was a six year old girl that was mixed with navy blue eyes and jet black hair with blonde tips. She was awoken by her mom, a woman with ebony colored hair, navy blue eyes and dark skin, and her twin brother, Comet, who looked almost identical except for his icy blue eyes.

As they were walking to the primary school near their home, Star and Comet were talking to each other on how school was going to be. Today was the first day of school and Star was excited to start school, while Comet, on the other hand, felt scared about school.

They finally arrived and the first thing Star was talking to a kid named Clover, who had a sister, named Violet. Violet was trying to befriend Comet, who was hiding behind Star. Star ran off to play with Clover and they laughed. As time went on they all became friends and constantly hung out together.

About seven years later during the summer before secondary school, Star was hanging out with Clover when they saw Comet and Violet running at them at the speed of light.

Comet was usually much slower than Violet, so Star asked, “What have you got to say that makes you run faster than Violet?”

Comet replied, “We need to go home now. Mom is sick!”

Almost before he could finish, Clover, Violet, Comet and Star frantically ran home. When they finally arrived at the flat, there laid mom. She looked really sick.

Star asked, “Mom what’s wrong?”

With a lisp in her voice her mother replied, “I have Dubbashacoip.”

Star almost lost consciousness from the shock. Their mom had one of the most deadliest diseases in our country. If she even wanted a chance to live, she could no longer walk to her job sewing clothing. Star and Comet did not have a father; how would they be able to survive without someone who could work?

Star came up with a plan: “I‘ll work,” she announced later that day.

Comet and her mom yelled, “What?! You can’t work and still go to school.”

But Star repeated, “I’ll work.” She continued, “Mom, you would die if you left here. Comet, one of us has to stay school. If both of us work equally, we would have no education for the future.”

Comet began to suggest, “But what if we-?”

Star interrupted him, “You’re too timid to be able to talk and ask for a job at the moment. Besides, there are 72 Million people around the world who remain uneducated. I at least had primary school.”

No one knew what else to do - they were still in pure shock. There was nothing more to say because they knew that it was the only option.

Without much education, Star could barely find a sustainable job. She had a few jobs, but it was barely enough to actually live in their flat and have some food. Their usual meal consisted of rice and a tiny bit chicken, but they only had one meal per day.

On top of this, Star tried to beg a pharmacy to lower the cost of the medicine their mother needed. It was expensive and they would have to wait for too long to get something with that price normally. Without their mother’s income since she was sick, they had to wait almost a year just to pay for half the amount of the cost.

When Star and Comet turned 17, during the summer of Comet’s final years of school, their our mom died. Everyone was all very sad that day. Comet and Star didn’t have a funeral, because that would cost too much. Instead they decided to bury her in a garden near the flat. A few weeks later, Star and Comet were forced to move because they couldn’t afford it.


What will happen to Star and Comet? They have lost their mom and do not have a proper education, so life doesn’t look good for them.

This story happens to children around the world every day, through no fault of their own.

When will the world work together to ensure that we all have the right to a QUALITY EDUCATION?


One of the solutions we thought about was exchange students or teachers/professors. The exchange students from colleges or teachers/professors from educated parts of the world, can travel around the world and teach children that don't have an education.

Regardless of the educational system, ALL humans should be allowed and encouraged to attend school to experience a quality education. Here are some differences around the world...

The thoughts of the graduate

If to speak about education, we can discuss different educational systems from all around the world. A few months ago I used to search information on foreign countries’ schools, colleges and universities. At first, I wanted to learn more about boarding schools in Great Britain and the USA. Such type of school has many advantages and disadvantages. It is also differs in the UK and the USA, however, it is obvious that English boarding schools are more popular nowadays. They are the examples of how a school may help a student to improve his self-confidence, to become good in cases which require patience, tolerance and ability to understand people around you. Boarding schools are not that popular in Russia. Nevertheless, there are some schools which provide their students with dormitories, canteens and medical stuff during their studying just to give them a chance to make it to another level of education.

the Moscow State University

The Moscow State University

Some of these schools are located near the universities and are ruled by these universities. For example, there are at least three Specialized Educational-Scientific Centers for children (established by Lomonosov Moscow State University, Ural Federal University and Novosibirsk State University). These Centers have a special educational program which is harder and more interesting than the usual one in ordinary schools. To enter such school you need to take part and succeed on Olympiads on different school subjects.

Ural Federal University

Novosibirsk State University

I also learned some information about higher education on different countries. I began with top Russian universities. Some of them are famous enough to place high in world ratings. For example, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is one of the best universities in the world for physical education and scientific researches on physics. In the USA there is Massachusetts Institute of Technology which attracts students from different corners of the world.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

In the UK extremely famous Cambridge and Oxford universities are situated.

Cambridge University

Oxford University

by Margarita M.


PIcture Sources:







Favourite Global Goal Video by: Ant Tuğra Özkan,Turkey

The picture of Oxford by: MargaritaM. , Russia

The thoughts of the graduate by :Christine Lobanova , Russia

Life in the Shadows video by: Students at JCD STEM, USA (see credits)

School Days: A Short Story by: Braedon M, JCD STEM, USA