No Poverty

The world ıs poverty drıven and thıs needs to stop

"I support Sustainable Global Goals Number 1: No Poverty because every child should have enough and qualified food, medicine and education."

What Is poverty?

Poverty is the world wide spread disease of low money and financial issues. Poverty is the loss of not only money but many other opportunities such as jobs and medical care.In other words its living in a world without the delight of having all your sweet candies and chips. But poverty is not just missing out on your small sweets it is way more grave, poverty is the loss of supplies that help people survive and have a healthy life. A world without poverty would be better for everyone that needs the right help in their poor state.

Some facts about poverty:

  • In 2015, 10 percent of the world’s workers and their families were living on less than $1.90 per person per day
  • About one in five people receive any type of social protection benefit in low-income countries

SCRATCH GAME: Click on the picture to the right to play a game and learn about poverty at the same time!

Created by Krish and Zach - JCD STEM


Globally, more than 800 million people are still living on less than $1.25 a day; many lack access to adequate food, clean drinking water and sanitation. In this social survey, we wanted to know if we had had just $1.25, for one day, could we feel full or not.

Have you ever experienced a life with a little amount of money on a daily basis?

Have you ever been obliged to feel full with just a bowl of soup all day?

Please watch the video and see how we feel disappointed when we could buy very little food for $1.25 ın Turkey.


Favourite Global Goal: No Poverty Video by: Neli Halila, Turkey

No Poverty for all video Cast: Ayşe Nazlı Tunçil, Neli Halila, Ece Arslan, Ant Tuğra Özkan, Turkey

Word Art by: JCD STEM, USA

Scratch Platform Game created by: Krish and Zach, JCD STEM, USA