Clımate Actıon

What ıs your carbon footprınt?

It really is surprising how much CO2 emissions we produce in everyday life. For instance, CO2 and other emissions are caused when driving a car, heating a house, cooking, working, celebrating or flying. These CO2 emissions can easily be calculated with the myclimate carbon footprint calculators and then offset in myclimate carbon offset projects.

Years are passing by and we continue polluting our environment. If it goes on like this, we won't have enough oxygen to breath in. We should take action as soon as possible because there is no other earth.

Show you care for the environment and communities across the World by Carbon Offsetting.

You can support Carbon Offsetting Projects that both tackle climate change and support impoverished communities across the world. Just click the ‘Offset’ button after you have finished your calculation and you’re your pledge. It takes only a few easy clicks and costs only a few Pounds/Dollars/Euros per tonne CO2. You also get a personalised Certificate recognising your offsetting - makes an ideal gift too!

Please click the url and calculate your footprint! :

There ıs only one earth and ıt ıs tıred of our carelessness. We have to take actıon as soon as possıble otherwıse we won't be able to fınd another world.

resources and REFERENCES

Life below water art work by: Barkan Çıkrıkçı, Turkey

Favourite Global Goal Video by: Batu ÇETKİN- Turkey