Clean Water and Sanıtatıon

We support Sustaınable Development Goal Number 6 because all People should have water to survıve.


Water is very important in life. if we don’t have water, we can’t wash our food, we can’t take a shower. The most important thing is, we can’t live without it. Can you imagine? 2.6 billion people gained access to drinking water source ssince 1990 but 663 million people are still without it. At least 1.8 billion people globally use a source of drinking water that is fecally contumineted. We have seventeen global goals but I think clean water and sanitation is the most important one because “Water is life.”

Clean Water.MOV

Water is a big part of survival.

Water affects...

                • Health
                • Disease
                • and even Education!

What is the water crisis?

Water is a vital part of our everyday lives. We use it to nourish our bodies and maintain proper hygiene. However, many of us never give a second thought about where it came from or how it got into the faucet. Many people around the world do not have water facilities. Over 2.1 billion people lack access to safely managed water services, and 4.5 billion people (about 50% of the world) lacks access to safely managed sanitation services. These numbers, should be much lower, if not zero.

Affected Countries:

  • Yemen
  • Libya
  • Jordan
  • Western Sahara
  • Djibouti

This list goes on and on, BUT IT SHOULDN'T.

Effects of the Water Crısıs


More often than not, women are tasked with collecting water for their families. In fact, women and girls spend up to 6 hours a day collecting water for themselves and their families, which is the length of an average school day.


Drinking dirty water is a huge health problem. Even though water may appear clean, there are many contaminants that cause disease, including diarrhoea. 2.4 billion people still do not have access to improved sanitation, and uncontrolled fecal waste can lead to public health problems. In addition, women that carry heavy containers of water face injury from muscular strain.


In addition to women, children are also tasked with collecting water. This takes away time from play, but more importantly, education. Without an education, children will be less successful in their life.


When innocent civilians (such as women and children) are forced to collect water, that time that they are spending can be spent doing worthwhile activities, such as getting a job or going to school. This hurts the economy.

What Can You Do To Help?

Conserve Water in your Own Home

Only 1% of water on this Earth is freshwater that is available for human use. Finding water in remote or undeveloped areas is already hard enough without people in developed countries letting unused, clean water run down the drain. To help end the water crisis, you can start by saving water in your own home. Some examples are:

          • Take shorter showers
          • Run dishwashers on a full load only
          • Run washers/dryers on a full load only
          • Turn off water when brushing your teeth
          • Use a refillable water bottle

To help with this task, we have created a program that will display a different way you can save water each day. Try your best to achieve that goal! (You can either use the link to visit the site page or use the window below)



One thing that you can do to help is to donate to organizations (see below for which organizations you could donate to). These organisations will use the money they get from donations to help people that don't have easy access to water get water and improve their living conditions overall. They will also use the money to help developing countries filter and clean water.

Kahoot Quiz

Now, take a quiz on what you have learned! Then, open another tab and go to There, you can play the quiz.

After you are finished, click the plus button of the Padlet below, and post your score and something you learned.

Remember, you have an ımpact, and you can help end thıs lıfelong tragedy.

resources and References


Web page made by: Rohan, Grant, and Dhruv - JCD STEM, USA

Favorite Goal Video: Rohan and Dhruv - JCD STEM, USA

Kahoot Game by: JCD STEM, USA

Clean Water and Sanittaion writing by: Berrin Demirbaş, Turkey