Supplies for Class: Chromebook, calculator, notebook or paper, and pen/pencil


Welcome to Honors Physics- an AMAZING and MAGICAL class! This year, we will be dissecting everyday phenomenon and uncovering why and how things occur. We will be using Physics concepts as Newton's Laws, momentum, forces, energy, electricity, and waves to explain these phenomenon. In our class, Google Classroom will keep our investigations and tasks organized and Google Sites will serve as an information sharing platform.


This course is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which were developed nationally by educational leaders to improve the standards of science education for all. NGSS standards focus on improving career essential skills such as communication, collaboration, inquiry, problem solving, and critical thinking while studying science content.

We will use a blend of resources for this class including STEMscope , Hewitt Conceptual Physics text, and current publications. We will be exploring questions such as:

  • How is it possible to make race cars even faster? (Physics of Motion Unit)

  • How is evidence from the scene of a collision used to determine the velocity of vehicles involved? (Physics of Motion Unit)

  • Motors and generators are very different but still have a lot in common. Why? (Forces at a Distance Unit)

  • What relationships exist between the Sun and the orbiting planets around the Sun? ( Forces as a Distance Unit)

  • Do all celestial objects follow a similar orbit to Earth? (Forces at a Distance Unit)

  • How does fire move? ( Energy in Motion Unit)

  • Why is water needed as a coolant in machines? (Energy in Motion Unit)

  • What is electric potential energy? (Electricity Unit)

  • What is Ohms Law? ( Electricity Unit)

  • How does a flashlight work? ( Electricity Unit)

  • What makes some radiation harmful and others not? (The Power of Waves Unit)

  • How is it that waves are used to create X-ray images, allow for cell phones to work, and communicate via the internet? (The Power of Waves Unit)

  • What is the nature of light? ( The Power of Waves Unit)

  • How do mirrors and lens work? (The Power of Waves Unit)

  • How does wave inference change the way we see things? ( The Power of Waves Unit)

  • What evidence is there to explain where the universe came from?


Before the first day of class, you need to:

  • Review our Google Site (Pay extra attention to - my contact information, course information and gator way tabs)

  • Join and review our Google Classroom

  • Bookmark STEMscopes (login will be sent soon)

  • Locate our Zoom meeting link

On the first day of class ( and all following days), you need to:

  • Utilize the link provided in Google Classroom to enter the zoom meeting at the designated class time.

  • Mute your microphone and display your video- casting your live image.

  • Be Positive and Ready to work

Please email me immediately if you have any problems.


  • Be on time- know you class schedule and your zoom login information

  • Be present - no distractions such as television, phones, etc. during class

  • Be prepared- have your computer charged and your assignments completed

Review the Gator Way Tab ( top of the page) and the video on the HOME page


Your grade will be weighted by the following categories and percentages

  • Assignments - (Classwork and participation- 30%)

    • Assignments include Google Classroom assignments, STEMscope assignments, Zoom class activities, and indirectly class attendance.

    • Because the intention of assignments is to improve student understanding of material, students can redo assigned work until mastery is attained. In the mastery process, I provide feedback to students to help guide them through errors in their work. At times, students might be asked to completed an alternative assignment. Students resubmit all assignments in Google Classroom in the original submission location. Additionally, I provide one-on -one tutoring during office hours- students or parents can make appointments (See Home Page).

    • MISSED ZOOM CLASS: Students that miss our Zoom class will be required to email me and their parent/guardian with an explanation for the missed class. Upon receiving the email, I will provide the student directions for making up missed work - most commonly an alternative assignment will be offered to the student to complete. Repeated unexcused absences from our Zoom class will follow the discipline pathway outlined under The Gator Way tab of this site.

  • Labs and Group Work - (Lab -30%)

    • Labs and group work are assigned throughout the course and are intended to enhance student understanding of content and to expand skills in communication, problem solving, and critical thinking.

    • Labs and group work grading is comprised of scores for accuracy and participation. Student contributions to group work will be assessed using the Google Tools history, peer evaluations, and self-evaluations.

  • Assessments (Tests-40%)

    • Assessments are in-unit quizzes and end-of-unit summative assessments. The purpose of assessments is to gauge student understanding of material and identify areas that require more support. More details below.

    • In-unit quiz formats can include open ended questions, multiple choice questions, demonstrations, or models. In-unit quizzes cannot be retaken. However, if a student demonstrates mastery of the material on the end- of- unit summative assessment, then the in-unit quiz grade will be changed to match the appropriate summative assessment score.

    • Summative assessment formats can include all or some of the following: open ended questions, multiple choice questions, a demonstration, a model, or a project. Summative assessment scores are not retaken or adjusted.