What We Are Learning!

*Click on the document below to see the Grade 3 Curriculum at a Glance*

Curriculum at a Glance.pdf

The following is the list of academic outcomes we will be working on during Term One:

Language Arts:

> I can understand a variety of beginning grade level texts using cues and comprehension strategies appropriately and effectively.

> I can read with appropriate expression, pace and fluency.

> I can read varied texts independently for an extended period of time.

> I can attend to correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spelling.

> I can speak clearly and effectively to communicate a message.


> I can demonstrate an understanding of increasing patterns by describing, extending, comparing and creating numerical (numbers to 1000) and non-numerical patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds and actions.

> I can demonstrate an understanding of decreasing patterns by describing, extending, comparing and creating numerical (numbers to 1000) and non-numerical patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds and actions.

> I can collect first-hand data and organize it using tally marks, line plots, charts or lists to answer questions.

> I can construct, label and interpret bar graphs to solve problems.


> I can describe and classify groups of rocks/minerals, based upon the properties of a particular rock/mineral.

> I can recognize and describe the various components within a sample of soil.

> I can describe and identify some common uses of rocks and minerals.


> I can recognize and value similarities and differences among people and communities (e.g. India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru).

> I can demonstrate geographical thinking skills (e.g. creates and uses a simple map to locate communities; use cardinal and intermediate directions; uses terms hemispheres, poles, equator).


> I can create an original piece of artwork based on a prompt.


> I can be an attentive member of the audience.

> I can participate cooperatively in music activities and actively engage in my own learning.


> I can demonstrate what followers of Jesus do to teach others and carry out His mission.

I can describe the many ways that we learn how and what to pray.

Health & Life Skills:

> I can explain and represent appropriate safety behaviours in the local community.