SKCE 預期成果(Expected results)

1. 帶動學生教育交流,暢通日後交流管道,及增進友好關係。

2. 促進與雙方學校互動,推動學校國際化,瞭解國際趨勢。增進外語能力及國際禮儀,拓展師生國際視野和人文素養,營造學校成為具國際化的教學環境。

3. 透過多元的活動設計,增進國際理解,從觀察、體驗中,發展學生國際能力,學習國際素養、培養全球競合力、及責任感。

4. 透過雙邊學校教育交流,作為雙方學校進一步推展國際教育旅行互訪之動力,及使學生能從教育旅行中,獲得寶貴經驗。

5. 提升師生外語能力,增廣師生國際見聞,開拓師生全球視野。

6. 透過國際文化交流,可以豐富學生心靈,啟動學生探索世界的好奇心。

7. 建立姊妹校,以及進一步的交換學生、交換教師、交換課程學分等。

1. To create educational exchanges between the students of both schools, establish the communication channels in the future, and enhance the friendly relationship between both schools.

2. To interact with both schools, present the internationalization of schools, and understand international trends. In addition, to enhance foreign language ability and international etiquette, expand the international vision and humanistic quality of teachers and students, and create an international teaching environment in schools.

3. Through a variety of event designs, enhance international understanding. In addition, from observation and experience, develop the international ability of students, and learn international literacy, cultivate global competitiveness, and responsibliliy.

4. Through education exchanges, both schools will further benefit from the exchange of international education travel, and make students to gain valuable experience from educational travels.

5. Enhance the foreign language ability of teachers and students, and augment the international knowledge of teachers and students, and open up a global vision of teachers and students.

6. Through international cultural exchanges, enrich students’ minds and motivate them to explore the world.

7. Establish sister schools, and further exchange students, exchange teachers, exchange course or credits, etc.