
中等水力學 / Intermediate Hydraulics (in English)

中等水文學 / Intermediate Hydrology (in English)(2021教育部教學實踐研究計畫補助)

防災概論 / Introduction to Disaster Mitigation and Management (in English)

防洪排水工程理論與實務 / Theory and Practice of Flood Drainage Engineering (2019、2020教育部教學實踐研究計畫補助)

出流管制工程理論與實務 / Theory and Practice of Outflow Control Engineering

防洪排水工程設計 / Flood Control Engineering Design

防災科技管理概論 / Introduction To Disaster Prevention Technology And Management

教育部新南向計畫-空間資訊與智慧災害管理假日學校 / Integrated and Innovative Flood Risk Management in Urban Areas(2019.07)