Shao-Hua Chen, Ching-Wen Su, Meng-Ling Tsai
Bob-buoy is a product design to support rescue team, scientists, and marine engineering. This design provides various uses such as emergency warning, detecting and measurements.
Cheat Codes
Tsai-Ling Liao, Zi-Ying Liao, Chao-Hua Liu, He-Feng Su
Cheat Codes supports children with developmental delay and stroke patients. It works for home practices and makes boring rehabilitation exercises fun.
Dancing Queen
Siao-Tung Chen, Ruei-Ling Sie, Yu-Sheng Tung
Dancing Queen is a new approach to creating music. We use our body as a controller or joystick to trigger the keypad and create music while the user is dancing.
A Massing (AMAZING) Design Game
Yenyu Cho, Yifan Kang, Mi-chi Wang
The game supports participants to create building models and modify their appearances. It is implemented using Beholder, Rhino, and Grasshopper.