Emotional Fuel

Conversation #4

The people around you will fuel you. We must be seeking positive fuel.

Click the image to watch the video

The Big Idea:

A person’s future is shaped by the people closest to him or her. A personal network is their emotional fuel: models, heroes, mentors, inner circle, and accountability partners. In a season of isolation, emotional fuel is more critical than before because your at risk to get stuck on “E”.


Elite performers intentionally choose and pursue their network of relationships, which include heroes, mentors, models, accountability partners, inner circle friends, and mentees. Fuel yourself with good people and establish emotional support.

Leading the Conversation: Use the meeting agenda below and the accompanying presentation deck on a virtual call with your team. Feel free to print this page to have your meeting agenda in front of you as you lead your team through the presentation deck.

Emotional Fuel: Meeting agenda
(Expand to View)

Leading the Conversation:

Use the meeting agenda below and the accompanying presentation deck on a virtual call with your team. Feel free to print this page to have your meeting agenda in front of you as you lead your team through the presentation deck.

Meeting Agenda:

5 Minutes: Welcome and Update from Coach

Welcome everyone to the virtual call and give a brief update.

10 minutes: Icebreaker activity - Head to Head"

In this game, you will provide questions about social media with two possible answers. To play, submit your answer by typing “Left” or “Right” in the chat box.

Transition from the game to the topic: As social beings stuck in isolation, it’s critical that we engage with others. Today’s Habitude discussion is focused on the best practices for you, me, and our team to stay emotionally fueled while in isolation.

5 Minutes: Have your athletes watch the video.

While on the virtual webinar, use the video in the slide-deck, or send them the link to the video, tell them to watch it and come back in 5 minutes after watching the video.

Video Link: https://growingleaders-1.wistia.com/medias/wzr36qphkl

10 Minutes: The Conversation | Emotional Fuel

This concept of emotional fuel is simple. Just like a car needs gasoline to run, we need emotional fuel to live and succeed. If we must be sure our tank is being filled so that we can make it through this pandemic.

The Big Idea:

A person’s future is shaped by the people closest to him or her. A personal network is their emotional fuel: models, heroes, mentors, inner circle, and accountability partners. In a season of isolation, emotional fuel is more critical than before because your at risk to get stuck on “E”.

The People Who Fuel You: (Visual in google slide deck)

Hero - Someone you can admire

Model - Someone who does what you’d like to do

Mentor - Someone who can invest in you

Mentee - Someone you can invest in

Partner - Someone who can hold you accountable

Inner Circle - Those who you can be vulnerable and honest with


Elite performers intentionally choose and pursue their network of relationships, which include heroes, mentors, models, accountability partners, inner circle friends, and mentees. Fuel yourself with good people and establish emotional support.

15 Minutes: The Conversation | Emotional Fuel

Question #1:

What do you think about this phrase.

“You are who you hang out with.”

Question #2:

What could it look like for us to provide “emotional fuel” for each other as a team?

What can we do as a team or as a coaching staff to encourage or fuel your emotional tank?

Question #3:

Take a moment and write down the people who can fuel you this summer?

Hero - Someone you can admire

Model - Someone who does what you’d like to do

Mentor - Someone who can invest in you

Mentee - Someone you can invest in

Partner - Someone who can hold you accountable

Inner Circle - Those who you can be vulnerable and honest with

5 Minutes: Closing Challenge

Decide who you need to make up your network. Set times to meet with them at least once a month for support, accountability, encouragement and direction. Challenge them to play a bigger role in your network and discuss with them how you best can add value to their life.

Note: Close with encouragement and remind them that you believe in them.

Emotional Fuel (Coach's Compass)