Fountains and Drains

Conversation #3

Do you empower and encourage others, or are you a drain?

Click the image to watch the video

The Big Idea:

People are usually a fountain or a drain — they flow and overflow onto others, or they just drain people of their energy. They either refresh the life in others, or they dry it up. Driven by gratitude and perspective, the elite performer chooses to be a leader who focuses on empowering people rather than exploiting them.


The COVID-19 pandemic has taken away a lot from you and me. For the next 24 hours, give yourself permission to be upset with what has happened to you. It’s okay to be upset. But when 24 hours is over, turn your perspective from drain to fountain: Be someone who chooses hope and encourages your teammates by being a life-giving fountain of gratitude.

Leading the Conversation: Use the meeting agenda below and the accompanying presentation deck on a virtual call with your team. Feel free to print this page to have your meeting agenda in front of you as you lead your team through the presentation deck.

Fountains and Drains: Meeting agenda
(Expand to View)

Leading the Conversation:

Use the meeting agenda below and the accompanying presentation deck on a virtual call with your team. Feel free to print this page to have your meeting agenda in front of you as you lead your team through the presentation deck.

Meeting Agenda:

5 Minutes: Welcome and Update from Coach

Welcome everyone to the virtual call and give a brief update.

10 minutes: Icebreaker activity - “What do you see?”

In this icebreaker game, you will show the athletes a picture and ask them to choose what they see. Have them type their answers in the chat, or speak it loud (pending the size of your team).

Transition from the game to the topic: The answers don’t necessarily matter. The reason I did this game is to remind that there is always two ways to see things. Some of us see sharks, others see dolphins. Some of us see things half full, others half empty. Today, I want to spark a conversation about two competing mentalities: Gratitude and Entitlement.

5 Minutes: Have your athletes watch the video using the link below, or by utilizing the video in your google slide deck.

While on the virtual webinar, send them the link to the video, tell them to watch it and come back in 5 minutes after watching the video. Or use the video in the slide-deck.

Video Link:

10 Minutes: The Conversation | Fountains and Drains

This conversation could change the way our team interacts with each other. As your coach, I am curious as to what your thoughts are on this topic and what it could mean for our team.

The Big Idea:

People are usually a fountain or a drain — they flow and overflow onto others, or they just drain people of their energy. They either refresh the life in others, or they dry it up. Driven by gratitude and perspective, life-giving leaders focus on empowering people rather than exploiting them.


The COVID-19 pandemic has taken away a lot from you and me. For the next 24 hours, give yourself permission to be upset with what has happened to you. It’s okay to be upset. But when 24 hours is over, turn your perspective from drain to fountain: Be someone who chooses hope and encourages your teammates by being a life-giving fountain of gratitude.

15 Minutes: The Conversation | Fountains and Drains

Question #1:

What has been the hardest part of this pandemic for you?

Question #2:

Why is it so many people choose a “Drain” mentality rather than that of a “Fountain”

Question #3:

What does a “Fountain” mentality look like to you?

Question #4:

What are things we can do as a team to be fountains not drains?

5 Minutes: Closing Challenge

Starting tomorrow at this hour, let’s choose to be fountains. Which means implementing the ideas we discussed. I give you permission to call me and anyone else out who acts like a drain, rather than a fountain.

Fountains or Drains (Coach's Compass)