About Us

Our History

In October 2003 one of our church members died of HIV/AIDS. Her death was a huge shock to our community. She was a single parent and left her young family behind. A small group was started to support the deceased woman's children. Others in the community started to contact the members of the support group for assistance. In 2006 the support group members successfully completed an HIV/AIDS support group course. More and more members of the community were served by this group.

A teenager who was diagnosed with HIV came to us in the beginning of 2006 to seek counselling and care. The group started to support this young man after he had wanted to commit suicide. He did not see any purpose for living. After receiving the support and care from our group, he now has a new perspective of life. This young man is doing very well.

The group have started to reach out to teenagers in the community of Strand. We have discovered that so many young people between the ages of L4 and 25 are sexually active and are engaging in unprotected sex.

We have trained youth facilitators to educate our youth about HIV/AIDS. More and more young people are now aware of the consequences of unprotected sex. Young people are also encouraged to abstain. The group makes it a very important point to explain the rewards of abstaining to the teenagers. Many have made a commitment to abstain and to continue in the programrne to support and guide them. We now have two streams of support: 1) to serve those infected and affected in our community. 2) to encourage those who have tested negative to stay negative. Dr David Haag, Moderator of the South African Evangelistic Mission, a US missionary, initiated the first fundraising efforts for the first phase of the multipurpose centre, by raising funds through churches in the United States of America.

We stafted our Multi-Purpose Building Project Community Centre in the heart of Broadlands Park, Strand in 2005 when we purchased the land from the Department of Housing. Much progress has been made since. Building of the foundation was completed towards the middle 2005. The roof and steel structure were erected at the end of 2005.

Dr Charles Bufton from St. Louis, Missouri, invited Pastor Colin and his wife for further fundraising for the building project. Dr Burton was instrumental in introducing new USA partners to this project. Building was completed in 20A7. We are partnering with other organisations which benefit from the facilities at our centre which is the only building of its kind in the area for the purpose of community development.


Pastor Colin & Patricia van Wyk, Phambili, Broadlands Park

Mission and vision

Phambili wishes to continue to inspire and impact the youth to maximise their potential and to expand their influence amongst their peers, targeting more than 500 new young people each year, through camps, “life-building programmes; support groups and other educational tools, to assist them to become ambassadors for healthy living, and to decrease the number of new HIV infections. These services are available for adults too. Phambili Community Development also strives to see the positive wellbeing of our older persons. The activities and programs are designed to equip the senior citizens to live a healthier lifestyle. The Phambili initiative is designed to provide valuable health care and wellness services to all the people of the wider Broadlands Park community.


Advancing towards an informed, healthy and self-sustainable community.


To prompt health, social and economic well being in our community through education, service and empowerment.

Core Values:







