Locations and route

Central Station Groningen to ACLO Sports Center:

Participants who are traveling by public transport can take the bus to the ACLO Sports Center (Blauwborgje 16, 9747 AC Groningen). The bus stop ‘Nijenborgh’ is the stop closest to the Sports Center and is located near the ‘Nijenborgh building’ on the Zernike campus (this is the big, white building). You can take both Busline 1 or Busline 15 on Friday evening and Busline 1 on Saturday morning. 

ACLO Sports Center to Central Station Groningen

If you wish to get back to Groningen's Central Station, you can take Busline 1 from bus stop ‘Nijenborgh’ or Busline 9 from 'Kometenstraat' to ‘Hoofdstation Groningen’. 


There are parking spots located near the Sports Centre. The parking lot (next to the soccer fields) will be freely accessible from Friday night untill Sunday evening.