How We Help

Anyone can grow a business, but not everyone can make the world a better place.  GRIT VAs has partnered with an orphanage called "My Father's House" located in Manila, Philippines to give real meaning to why we do what we do. We have some heartfelt stories on how helping the kids at My Father's House allowed us to use our business as a vessel for good.  We believe the best way to grow is to give back.

My Father’s House is an orphanage that houses children who have been abused, abandoned, and neglected and are in desperate need of special protection. Their ultimate goal is to love each child, empower them, and prepare them to hopefully be placed with a forever family. Unfortunately, for the majority of them, this dream never becomes a reality. Some of them live all of their lives never being adopted.

Photos were taken during one of GRIT VAs' visit to My Father's House, we surprised the kids with a check to help them with basic needs, like food, toiletries and clothing. On the day before we arrived they had ran out of rice, when the Manager of the Orphanage told us this, we understood our why.

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