Scholastic Book Club

Orders can be place online at:

Our class code is: MK9WP

Our order will be due TBD

The Scoop on Scholastic

Every month you will receive a set of reading flyers. These flyers

are packed full of books that are good fit books for your child.

Most of the books are labeled with a Lexile level and an AR level so

you can make sure your child will be able to read the text. If you

ever have a question or if you want a book recommendation,

please feel free to ask. I am more than happy to help make

sure your child is reading the perfect book for them.


1) You are showing your child that reading is important.

You are showing your child that you are investing in their

education and you want to see them succeed.

2)You are extending your child’s school day out of the

classroom and into your home.

3)You are helping to build our classroom library. Every dollar

you spend earns our classroom bonus points to use

towards new books to read!