ABC's of K-4


Monarch Elementary.....

Use this as your "go to" for any quick questions you might have. 


Absences- If your child is going to be absent, please send a note in advance, send us an email, or call and leave a message. This allows us to plan our days appropriately and we won’t worry!

Administration- Always say "hello" to our Administration.  They are the best. If you every need anything they are here for you and your child. Click here

Allergies-If your child has any allergies, dietary restrictions, or medications taken during the school day, please communicate this information to the nurse as soon as possible.

Attendance- The State Board of Education has established regulations defining lawful and unlawful absences. Please refer to the school web site under “Handbook” for details.  If you have any questions about upcoming absences please call Beth Bishop, the attendance clerk at 455-0601.


7:00 - 7:30 a.m.  Students should be dropped off at their designated area. They should not be walked to their classrooms.  Those arriving before 7:45 should report to the  holding hallway—A teacher will be on duty to “hold” students that arrive early. 

7:30 a.m. Classrooms are opened and teachers are in their classrooms. Students are dismissed from the "holding" area and are to report directly to their classrooms.

7:45 a.m.         SCHOOL BEGINS. Students should be in their classrooms and ready to begin the school day.  If children are not in their classrooms by 7:45 a.m., they are considered tardy. Students should check in at the office so a tardy slip can be issued for the child to enter class.

1:40 p.m.          Latest time to issue an early dismissal

2:15 p.m.         Dismissal for buses and vans, car riders and walkers

Assessments-We will be assessing your child in Language ,Math, Social Skills and much more throughout the year. We will review these during the October Conferences. You child will be involved in a variety of assessment throughout the school year to help us better meet your child’s needs and tailor our instruction to enhance their areas of concern and bolster their areas of strength. All of your child’s individual screening and assessment results, in accordance with FERPA, are confidential and will only be shared with parents and/or legal guardians and appropriate district personnel (child’s teachers, administrators, and specialists working directly with your child). Any other requests to share information must be approved in writing by the parent or legal guardian.


Backpacks- Please provide your child with backpack s/he can open/close and that can hold folder/notebook sized items and even a lunch box if it is hard to hold at the beginning and end of the day. 

Behavior- will be communicated through the blue folder calendar  and /or email. If you do not hear from me we are working on the behavior at school.  I promise I will communicate a behavior issue if I need your support at home. If you ever have a question or concern you can always contact me. 

Birthdays- We love birthdays! We love to celebrate birthdays in the classroom.  NO CUPCAKES are allowed at Monarch Elementary. Knowing this think of a healthy snack or toy if your child would like to bring in something to shar. 

Ideas for Healthy Snacks

Birthday Invitations-Invitations to private parties (birthday, holiday) will not be distributed at school by school staff. School staff members are prohibited from distributing birthday party or special event invitations. If you would like invitations to be sent home with other children, your child may distribute them to the other students’ books bags only if all children in the class are included. 

Bottle Water- All students need a labeled water bottle DAILY. PLEASE think about having a no spill water bottle instead of a free flowing water bottle.  This helps with a lot of spills in the classroom 

Breakfast- The school does offer a breakfast program.  In K-4 we will be eating breakfast every morning together.  Greenville County Schools makes sure to serve a nutritious breakfast and lunch each day, however if you choose to send a lunch from home, please understand that teachers are unable to microwave food for children per DHEC regulations and Greenville County Schools policies.


Chromebooks- Each student will be issued a Chromebook for eLearning at home.  This will be used for snow days or if we have to be at home for any other reason.  Your child may use this computer for school related subjects.  Your child will receive information on how to use their Google Classroom and other educational websites. Please remember that this is issued to them and the Chromebook and charger will need to be turned back in at the end of the year.  More information to come.  Troubleshooting at home click here or email Miss Gibson 

Clothes-Your child will need comfortable clothing and shoes each day in order to play and participate in all we have to


● Each child needs a complete change of clothing to be kept at school for emergencies: shirt, pants, underwear, and socks.

● Please update your child’s extra change of clothes as they grow and/or the weather changes. WE DO GO OUTSIDE DAILY, EVEN IN THE WINTER MONTHS, SO BE SURE YOU SEND YOUR CHILD WITH WEATHER APPROPRIATE CLOTHING.

Student Dress Code

● Sensible: Weather appropriate

o Child Fasteners- Velcro is our friend

● Safe: No loose strings or jewelry

● Functional: Play clothes

● Reasonable: No offensive print or pictures on clothing

● Shoes: Sneakers are the best choice for shoes. For safety reasons flip-flops are not allowed.

Conferences- Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held with every parent in October and end of the year. Conferences are also able to be scheduled as needed.

Communication- Your child will receive a blue Communication Folder that is used for much communication between parents and teachers. You can also reach me through email or leave a message on our class phone. Behavior will be communicated through the blue folder, phone or email.  If you do not hear from me we are working on the behavior at school. I promise I will communicate a behavior issue if I need your support at home. 

Blue Communication Folders: 

·         This is our main way of communication. It needs to come to school every day. 

·         Inside will be notes and awesome work your child has done.

o    Please put all money in a bag with a label for what it is for.

o    Checks need to be separate for PTA, lunch, and Office. Most money will be online now due to COVID. 


Digital Citizenship and safety- As digital natives our students/children need to understand both digital citizenship and safety.  Many might feel that kindergarten is too early, but think about the last time your child used the internet… was it today? We will be introducing age appropriate rules and procedures when using the internet and computers. 

Discipline- Please see our Expectation page  for information. 

Dress- Kindergartners must also adhere to the district dress code policy.  This includes no flip-flops, tank tops, halter tops, spaghetti straps, or very short shorts or skirts.  We do play outside every day (weather permitting), so sneakers really are best. Tennis Shoes are required for PE days.        


eLearning- At times we will be doing eLearning at home.  This will be on snow days and if we ever have to go into quarantine.  More information about eLearning will come home.  

Emergency Card-PLEASE be sure we have correct information on your child’s Emergency card and in the front office.

Emergency Closings-Please check local news stations for school closings.


Field Trips- We will be able to participate in several field trips this year! I strongly feel that the more life experiences children have the more “anchors” they will have for learning.

Fire Drills and other Drills - We will participate in a fire drill each month in addition to tornado and other drills. We do participate in other safety drills.  We try to make sure that in all situation our staff and students are prepared for any safety situation.  When practicing we do talk in a calm and loving manner.  As a parent you may want to go over safety drills at home as well and how they make us feel, how they keep us safe, and what we should do in these situations.  I know some of these conversations are hard, but coming from you is where they feel the safest. I let them know quickly that my job is to keep them safe and that is always number one.  Click here for some information

Fountas and Pinnell—Another term you will hear as your child travels through Monarch! This relates to the two founders of balanced literacy.


GO!! We are a CATCH school that incorporates healthy living and physical fitness every day!

Google-  Your child will receive a Google sign in.  This will be the way they sign into their Chromebook and other Google Applications.  This will follow them through out their years in Greenville County School. 

Google Classroom- This is where we communicate digitally in the classroom and at home during eLearning days.  To learn about Google Classroom Click Here.  This is really cool, but DON'T stress.  We will only be using and learning the basics.


Half Day- There is 4 half days in our calendar.  Your child will need to picked up early on these days. The dates are September 22, November 3, February 2, and April 26th.  

Health- Please let me know of special circumstances which may affect your child. These could include medication that may make him sleepy, a death in the family, etc. Also, please let me know of any allergies your child may have, especially food allergies. We sometimes cook or do food activities to compliment lessons in Kindergarten and it would be helpful to know when I plan our recipes.

Hygiene- We will talk about proper hygiene and germs  A LOT this year.  We will be talking about how to properly wash hands and social distance while having fun learning. 

Homework- Please read with your child each night!! It is truly one of the best ways to help your child’s early education.  Other family project will come home to do together.  


Independence- Our primary goal is to provide a safe, secure, warm and nurturing environment for children to EXPLORE, DISCOVER, and LEARN. Our curriculum is designed for just this!  We will also be working on independence skills. The following goals are incorporated into everyday: 

Develop fine motor skills

We understand that your child is working on being more independent and we will help them as best we can.  Please try to work on these skills at home.  The BIG independent skills that we need extra support on is: 

We will communicate any other help that we might need from you.  We look forward to watching your child grow this year. 

Internet- Your child will get access to internet though a chromebook. This is monitored has a firewall through Greenville County School (even when you are using at home).   Troubleshooting at home click here or email Miss Gibson 

Illness- As we all know  it is highly important to keep your child home if he/she is ill.  Please see all illness regulations Click here Parents should screen their child each day before sending them to school to ensure that they are symptom free and healthy enough to attend school. If your child is sick with a fever or stomach virus, he/she may not return to school until 24 hours has passed without medication AND no symptoms of the illness.


Journals- We will be working in two nine week journals.  In this journal we will be doing writing, poem work, math concepts, and much more.  If you do not see a lot of “paper work” coming home that does not mean that we are not learning.  You will see progress in projects, small amount of worksheets, data notebooks, and journals with in the half of the year.  Anytime you would like to come and see our progress you are welcome to stop by and see. J 


Kindness- Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect. Bothering others, bullying and interrupting learning will not be permitted. Please be sure to discuss using kind words when upset and not hands or mean words. We will have many kindness project and community service acts to practice the important of this life skill.  


Lunch- Your child will need to bring or buy a lunch everyday. Pre-Pay options are on Myschoolbucks online ClickHere Online and app menus click here.  Please go over the menu with your child so that they are aware of the choices and not surprised and upset when it is lunch time.  

If your child is bringing their lunch please think about healthy choices.  Fast food is not allowed in the cafeteria at lunchtime.  For Free Lunch Application click here. 

Greenville County Schools makes sure to serve a nutritious breakfast and lunch each day, however if you choose to send a lunch from home, please understand that teachers are unable to microwave food for children per DHEC regulations and Greenville County Schools policies.


Math- The mathematics curriculum provides students with mathematical experiences that help them develop number sense and a positive attitude towards mathematics that will continue through their school career and their lives.  We employ a hands-on, problem solving approach.

Money-When you bring or send money to school, place it in a sealed envelope and label with:

o Your child’s name

o Teacher’s name

o Amount enclosed

o Purpose of money- For example, lunch, fundraiser


Newsletter- Each Friday I will email our Newsletter containing information for the upcoming week. If you do not receive email, please let us know so we can send you a hard copy (it may be Monday before you receive a hard copy). You can always find current and  archived  newsletters here on the website.  

Nurse- Our school nurse will tend to minor scratches and scrapes, as well as sudden illnesses.  For more serious injuries, she will contact you. Please be sure to send in any change of contact numbers in case she needs to get in touch with you.  Please see new regulations and medication information  click here  If you ever have any question or concerns about your child's health and school attendance please call Nurse Amy or Nurse Leigh (they are AMAZING!!!) at 452-0604 or see their website 

NOTES REQUIRED-     *Important*

A note is always required, if your child:

·      is absent due to illness, death in the family, or in advance of a religious holiday

·      is tardy

·      needs to be picked up before dismissal (please designate dismissal time)

·      needs to take medicine during the day

·      needs to be excused from recess or physical education

·         changes from usual transportation home or to daycare  This needs to be signed and hand written.  No phone calls or emails are permitted! 

              ****VERY IMPORTANT

 All Money should have a note. Get a great template from:  HERE


Office Staff- If you need anything during the day, you will need to call the office and talk to our wonderful office staff.  Click here to learn about them.  

OOOh!!! We are ready to learn!


Parent Involvement-  Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school! We are always happy to have your help for special activities in the classroom. I will try to let you know at least a week ahead of time if I need help. Requests for help will be published in our weekly newsletter. I hope that you can come and join in the fun!

Parent Back Pack- It is extremely important that every parent enroll in Greenville County Schools Parent Backpack. This is a one-time enrollment, so if you signed up last year you do not need to sign up again.  Backpack is an online tool that will allow you to view your child’s grades, see district and state testing scores, attendance and more. The Parent Backpack works on any device and is mobile friendly. 

Personal Belongings: Children should leave all personal belongings (especially electronics, toys or valuables) at home, unless requested by the teacher for a special occasion.

PTA- Please consider joining the PTA!! Active in virtually all facets of school life, the PTA relies on its incredible parent and community supporters to offer a wide-range of programs. At least four PTA general sessions are held during the school year. PTA Board meetings are held once a month. Click here

Play- A lot of times it looks like we are "just playing," but guess what, we are learning! 

Psychologist Kenneth Rubin (1983) defined play as any activity that is intrinsically motivated, focused on means rather than ends, free from externally imposed rules and actively engaged in by the players. Playful interactions can center around toys. They can also center around daily routines. Try racing to the garage before an errand, creating a song about the “Wheels on the Shopping Cart” while grocery shopping, playing "Peekaboo" with a shirt while getting dressed, “I Spy” in the car, "Hide and Go Seek" in the living room etc.

Play supports foundationallanguage skills like increasedattention span, joint attention,gesture use, imitation, initiationand back-and-forth interaction.

Pretend play skills (i.e., using objects to symbolize ideas) is directly correlated to expressive language skills (i.e., using words to symbolize ideas).

Play is the language of childhood. Improved play skills equals improved relationships with peers.

It typically takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain. The same learning, in play, takes 10 to 20 repetitions (Purvis, 2020).

Play promotes physical,emotional, relational and cognitive wellbeing. It reduces stress, improves brain function, and more!


1.    Please review these playground rules and safety procedures with your child:

2.     Always follow the directions of the adult on duty

3.    Follow all school rules.

4.     Do not jump off any playground equipment.

5.    Always make sure you can see the adult on duty.

6.    There will be no football or tagging---it is fun, but leads to pushing.

7.    You may only come down the slide on your bottom facing forward.

8.    No hands in the mulch.

9.    Do not look in the windows/doors to other classrooms

10.  No hands on friends. 

Portfolios, Data Notebooks and Data Center- We will be building a portfolio of all our learning this year.   This gives us a chance to see how far we have come. It also helps us with individual and class goals.  

PROJECT APPROACH- The Project Approach is nothing new to Kindergarten! Basically,  a problem is proposed by teacher or student and we use our skills and learn new skills to solve the problem---then we present how we have solved the problem  or what we have learned in a creative way! 

This is a great video that explains the Project Approach! Click Here 


Questions-Since we are all new to Monarch this year, I’m sure that you may still have some unanswered questions.  Please feel free to call me at school or you can always write a note or email us at:  or 


Related Arts- Your child will be going to music, art, STEAM lab, computer lab, library, P.E. and Guidance to enhance their learning at school.  Check out our Related Arts team here.  I will be sending out a schedule soon with daily/weekly classes.  

“Report Cards”- Your child will not receive a report card but a Skills Report. We will review the Skills Report at the Parent/Teacher Conference in October and will send it home each 9 weeks after that.

Restrooms-  A restroom is available in our classroom. Children are allowed to go when they need to. If we are in large group or going over instructions I always ask for them to wait.   I do, of course, allow for emergencies. Please make me aware of any medical problem that might require more frequent restroom trips.

Room parent-The room parents' job is to be available for any number of things: to help coordinate parties and activities; to seek volunteers for field days and events. Being a room parent is a great way to be involved in your child’s school life. 


School Supplies-  All students need a bookbag large enough for lunch box, folder, water bottle, and nap time blanket. Parents do not need to provide any school supplies. If you would like to donate school supplies, please see our Wishlist

● We ask that you send in a towel or comfortable blanket (clearly labeled with first and last name) for quiet time.

● Please also send a water bottle (clearly labeled with their first and last name) for your child as we have bottle fillers at all of our schools. PLEASE think about having a no spill water bottle instead of a free flowing water bottle.  This helps with a lot of spills in the classroom.

Science- The focus of the Pre-K science curriculum is on developing an awareness of the world in which we live. Through scientific inquiry, concepts will be presented in the life and earth sciences, including the study of animals and plants, the five senses, general health and the four seasons. These areas will be explored utilizing a literacy based, hands-on approach.

Science of Reading- This is the science of how we all learn to read.          ​​The science of reading is a body of research that incorporates insights and research from disciplines that include developmental psychology, educational psychology, cognitive science, and cognitive neuroscience.  

In our classroom you will see, lessons that target phonological awareness,  explicit and systematic phonics instruction, small groups that are goal oriented, snap/high frequency words that are mapped to analyze the sounds inside them and multisensory learning.  

Shared Reading- Shared reading is an interactive process used with the whole class. As the teacher reads a story, children join in on phrases or words that they know. During subsequent re-readings, children read more and more of the text, until they are able to read the story independently. Shared reading is an opportunity for the teacher to model conventions of print and the use of reading strategies.

Snack- We will provide a small snack that is self served during the day.  You may send a water bottle (clearly labeled with their first and last name) for your child as we have bottle fillers at all of our schools. We have water fountains in our room  as well.  PLEASE  send a no spill water bottle instead of a free flowing water bottle.  This helps with a lot of spills in the classroom.

Schedule-Class Schedule will be sent out shortly and posted my website. 

Special Services- From guidance counselors, speech therapist, reading interventionists and more, check out our special services we have for your child here  and here

Staff Directory- Need to find a staff member quick? Look here

Support Staff- Our support staff is amazing at Monarch.  We always like to say "Thank you" whenever we see them.  Click here to see them. 


Transportation-Remember that any change in transportation needs to be hand written and signed by a parent and sent in that morning.  Any change in transportation during the day will need to be sent via fax only. NO EMAIL OR VOICEMAIL CAN CHANGE YOUR CHILDS TRANSPORTATION. This is for your child’s safety.  For more information please see administration.

Transportation Requests

A Transportation Request Form    (Spanish version) should be submitted if a student is new or if the address, school, or mode of transportation has changed. All Kindergarten and First Grade students must also complete a Bus Tag Application. If your child has ANY change of transportation they will need to submit the transportation form to the office.  BUS applications take at least 48 hours to complete. 

Tardies- Students are expected to be in their classrooms by 7:45 a.m.  If they arrive to school after 7:45 a.m., they are considered tardy and must receive a note from the office to enter class. ***Please try to be on time. It is difficult to plan for lunch and lessons when children are constantly tardy (and we miss them). 

Toys- Bringing toys to school is discouraged because they distract the children from learning. If a toy is accidentally lost or broken, feelings will be hurt. There will be special days that we can bring toys.  These days will be in the Newsletter or in a special note in the communication folder. 

Troubleshooting- Chromebook troubleshooting at home click here or email Miss Gibson 

T-Shirts- Be sure to sign up for free class shirt!


Unique- We value each unique child! We can’t wait to get to know everyone’s unique personality!


Visitors-   ALL visitors must sign in at the office and receive and nametag/sticker

Volunteer-  We’d love to have you volunteer in whatever capacity you are able! 


Greenville County Schools (GCS), in an effort to ensure the safety of all of our students, has implemented additional security checks for school volunteers.  All volunteers must submit an online application to the district and receive clearance from the district before volunteering at any school/center or chaperoning any school field trip.  To learn more information and submit a Volunteer Application click on School Visitors and Volunteer Guidelines.


Website-Check in regularly to find information about curriculum, special events and school news. I will be featuring photos of our weekly activities--it's the next best thing to being in our classroom each day!

Writing- Our writing program builds on what each child already knows. Writing begins with scribbles and proceeds to lines and circles, random strings of letters, words and spaces and eventually sentences. Your children will be encouraged and praised for all attempts and accomplishments in writing. Providing a risk-free environment is paramount to your child's progress in writing.  If possible, please provide your child with writing tools, such as pencils, crayons, markers and paper at home.

Weekly Folder- Again, your child will bring home a red folder each night. On Friday, it will be full of the week’s work and notes from the office or PTA. Please go through the papers to be sure you do not miss anything important! Also be sure to clean out the folder before Monday! Look though the work together and celebrate the growth you see. 




Yearbooks- Yearbooks will be available for purchase at the end of the year and make a great keepsake of your child’s Kindergarten year.


Zzzzs! Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime will help everyone…but especially your little learner!