Future Generals 

We invite any 8th grade student who is interested in attending Wade Hampton, but is outside of our school zone, to attend this meeting.  Students would need to apply to School Choice, during the time frame that School Choice is open.

Date: November 7th


 Freshman Academy Tours

Are you interested in coming to Wade Hampton for the 24-25 school year as a Change in Assignment student? Come for a visit and find out what makes the home of the Generals a great place to learn! Tours will run Mondays at 9:00am and Wednesdays at 2:00pm from October 16th through November 30th. (excluding November 22nd). For more information or to request a tour please contact

Suzanne Carter, Freshman Coordinator at 355-0228.

We invite 8th grade students and parents (who are zoned for Wade Hampton or accepted School Choice) to come out and take a tour, meet our Freshman Academy Teachers, learn what clubs/organizations are available, and much more!

More information to come!

Date: TBD