Finding and Citing Images

DISCUS and DISCOVERY EDUCATION: Find Images with Ease!

DISCUS and DISCOVERY ED make citing your images SUPER EASY too!

Simply find the "Cite" symbol in the database or site, click it, select MLA, and copy and past the citation in to your Notes Section!

Google Images: Using Images THE RIGHT WAY

After doing a Google Images search for your topic:

1) Click on "Tools"

2) Select the "Usage Rights

3) Check "Labeled for noncommercial reuse"

4) When you click on the image you will use, select "Visit" to go to the website that actually owns the image. DO NOT use "Google" as the source.

YOU WILL STILL NEED TO USE the examples below and/or go to Citefast to create a citation for your project!

Here’s the specific information you’ll need to locate when citing an image you found on Google Images:

  1. Full name of the image’s creator, such as the name of the photographer or illustrator (if available).
  2. Formal title of the image (if available) or a description of the image.
  3. Name of the website where the image lives (Do not use Google as the name of the website!).
  4. Publisher of the website where the image was found (if available).
  5. Date this information was published on their site.
  6. The URL


  • In MLA, If the image has a title, place it in quotation marks and include capital letters for the first letter in each important word and for pronouns. If it does not have an official title, create a simple description. Only capitalize the first letter in the description and the first letter for any pronouns.
  • Only include the name of the publisher if it is different than the name of the author and title of the site.
  • For URLs, remove http:// and https:// from the citation


Creator’s Last name, First name. “Title of the digital image.” Title of the website, Publisher, Publication date, URL.


Gilpin, Laura. “Terraced Houses, Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico.” Library of Congress, 2006,

Vasquez, Gary A. Photograph of Coach K with Team USA. NBC Olympics, USA Today Sports, 5 Aug. 2016,

For More Info on Citing Google Images, go to this website:

Additional Websites for Finding Images for Your Project