Mrs. Weintraub's Social Studies Classes!


IMPORTANT UPDATE: Any student who has been working on paper packets can return those to Northwest Wednesday (4/22) or Thursday (4/23) of this week to be graded. Rather than requiring parents to enter the school or interact with school personnel during this continued time of social distancing, we will have a drive-thru drop-off area set up in our car line from 7:30am to 5:00pm Wednesday and Thursday, that way you don’t even need to get out of your car to turn in the packets. If it does rain Thursday, as is predicted, then we’ll simply move the drop-off area to under the covered awning beside the car line. Again, this is only relevant for families whose child has been working on paper packets. If your child has been completing assignments online all along then there is no need for you to come by the school.

GCS will be offering breakfast and lunch at the following schools: TR High School, Berea ES, Blue Ridge MS, and Greer HS. Meals are also being offered at other locations. This information can be found in full on the GCS website.

Additionally, WiFi access will be available at all of these meal sites for students to download material for eLearning. We have no more paper packets.

Below are my instructions and resources for eLearning via a PDF collective document (feel free to print out) and a Google Slides.

Students may complete assignments either on printed out paper, separate sheets of paper, or on Google Classroom which I will updating daily!

  • If your home does not have internet access, WiFi access will be available at all of the above meal sites for students to download material for eLearning.

I will be available every work day via email between the hours of 8:20 and 3:15. You and your students are very important to me, please allow realistic time for me to respond to your inquiries. Thank you.

Printer Friendly April20-May1 - complete.pdf
April 20th- May 1st Lessons Social Studies
Buchanan, Ford, Sawdaye, Weintraub Social Studies 6th Grade.pdf
Copy of Social Studies 6th eLearning 1st Semester

This Week's Homework:

Complete eLearning assignments as included for each day.

I am available for tutoring and/or homework help Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30a-8a.

I am also often available any morning, with communication. I am here for you!

Have dead markers you can't use any more? Bring them to Mrs. Weintraub! Recycle Markers!