

Curriculum Support


IXL is used to practice third grade skills learned in math until mastery is met. If your child struggles with a certain math skill, they can practice there!


We use Reflex to practice fact fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Social-Emotional Skills

In our classroom, we learn to focus our attention, manage our feelings, control our bodies, and respect ourselves/others. All of those skills are part of social-emotional learning! Below are some resources to use at home. Your student will be familiar with them from our class!

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Cosmic Kids videos tell fun stories while incorporating stretching! They are amazing for brain breaks during the day. The adventures also teach important lessons and social-emotional skills.


GoNoodle has every kind of movement break you can imagine! From stretching to dancing or workout videos, we love to use this app to take a break from work and move our bodies. Click the link to download the app and create an account to use at home!