Role of the

Social Worker

The goal of the Title I Social Worker is to support the academic performance of Title I students by establishing a supportive and cooperative relationship between the home, school and community.

The three main areas of concern when working in the Title I schools are: Attendance, Parental Involvement and Economic Barriers.

My Responsibilities are to :

    • Establish on-going communication links between school, home and community services.
    • Involve parents in Title I school activities through coordination of parent/teacher conferences and workshops.
    • Work with Title I Nurse and School Nurse to assist with medical needs.
    • Increase the average daily attendance of Title I students through parent conferences, appropriate follow-up procedures, attendance incentives and court referrals as appropriate.
    • Provide Crisis Intervention.
    • Provide parents with transportation to school, community and medical appointments when no other transportation is available.
    • Assess student needs and make referrals to appropriate community agencies.
    • Facilitate groups for students that support their success in school.
    • Develop and provide training and educational programs for parents and Title I schools.
    • Make home visits to facilitate parent contact.