
School Days, 7:15 am-2:15 pm

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Our main mission is to help each child build a firm foundation. Not an academic foundation because that will come, but a foundation of trust, compassion, safety, accountability, love, respect, integrity, empathy and so much more.

My background allows me to not only relate to the children but also be able to sympathize with their situations and be able to see the good in each child even when they are not choosing to do the right thing. Our kids need love. Some in the form or hugs, some need verbal conformation, others require tough love and some just want someone to show up every day and be present. In our class room, Mrs. Vickery and I do just that. We are there for our children in whatever capacity they need us in that moment. Because we understand what our children need we start with forming a relationship with each child. We give them super powers, not only for our classroom but that will carry them throughout life. Once we have created a safe, loving and caring relationship with each child then we are ready to add the academics. This is not an easy process but it is completely worth it when you see the growth at the end of the year or when a past students stops by to tell you they miss you. I love what I do and the children and families that we serve!

The Power to Choose- To do the right thing and make good choices.

The Power to Love- To love EVERYONE! (Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.)

The Power to See- To see the good in EVERYONE!

The Power to Learn- You can learn ANYTHING!