
Membership Requirements:

  • Cumulative GPA of 4.0 or higher

  • Paid dues of $40 by September 23rd.

  • Participation in the Beta Induction Ceremony

  • Attendance of all meetings

  • 20 services hours for the school year (10 per semester) plus 1 required Beta Club service opportunity.


Students who are unable to meet the qualifications of membership above will be placed on probation for the following semester. Students will be notified at the end of the 1st semester that they are on probation. The student has until the end of the following semester to improve. If the student is still not meeting the membership qualifications, then the student will be officially removed from Beta Club.

Qualifications for Probation:

  • Failure to complete 10 services hours by the end of Semester 1

  • Failure to complete 20 services hours by the end of the school year

  • Missing 2 or more meetings for the semester

  • Failure to maintain a cumulative GPA of 4.0 or higher

2022-2023 Beta Club Policies