What is Title I?
Title I is the largest federally funded educational program, and it provides financial assistance to high-poverty schools. Title I programs place emphasis on building relationships between school and families, and on improving student achievement. The purpose of Title I is to provide opportunities for all children to meet the challenging state performance standards.
Grove Elementary School proudly receives Title I funds to help ensure our students find academic success. We use our Title I funds to provide accelerated and enriched academic initiatives to students while also stressing parental involvement in the total school program. We use high-quality academic assessments for accountability, focus on teacher preparation and training, make curriculum and instructional materials available for teachers and students, and support the success of all students.
Ways we use Title 1 Funding:
Teacher salaries, including positions serving students in Challenge and Response to Intervention (RtI) and ESOL (Multi-Lingual Learners)
Publications for classrooms
Classroom libraries/supplies
Printing & copies for instructional support and parenting
Technology supplies
Professional development for teachers, including required substitutes
1.25 parent involvement coordinators
Latino Literacy Parenting Classes
Parent Workshops
Parent involvement activities, supplies, & catering
Ways you can help at home:
Partner with your child’s teacher to foster both academic and behavioral success.
Volunteer your time, attention, and talents.
Attend parent workshops, trainings, and parent/teacher conferences.
Make sure your child is at school and on time daily.
For more information, please contact Dr. Valisha Clark, Title I Facilitator, at (864) 355-5936 or at vfclark@greenville.k12.sc.us
Title 1 Resources
Schedule of Title I Planning/School Improvement/Parent Meetings - English & Spanish
Family Friendly Standards -:. Click HERE
Greenville County School District's Title 1 Website
Title 1 Surveys
Title 1 Parent School Survey (English & Spanish
Title 1 Parent District Survey (English)
Title 1 Parent District Survey (Spanish)
Title 1 Planning Meeting Feedback Survey (English & Spanish)
Annual Title I Meeting Presentation English & Spanish
Title 1 Planning Meeting #1 - Click HERE
Title 1 Planning Meeting #2- Click HERE
Title 1 Planning Meeting #3- Click HERE
Title I Plan -2024-2025
Title 1 Plan - 2025-2026
Title 1 Staff