About Mrs. Gay

 Hi!  Thank you for visiting our website!  I am so proud to be a part of the Greenville County Schools family.  I love teaching and I am looking forward to spending this year with your children!

    I received my Bachelor's degree in elementary education from Presbyterian College and my Master's degree from Furman University.  I recently completed my course work in Middle School Math and English from the University of South Carolina. I have 25 years teaching experience in Reading Intervention, kindergarten, first, fourth and fifth grades.  I have also taught ESOL for adults and the GED program.  I have  been involved with mentoring first year teachers who have graduated from Furman and been hired to teach in our school district.  In addition, I have served as an evaluator of teachers in their formal evaluation cycle.  Recently, I was nominated for Teacher of the Year, and went on to represent Greenville County as a top 10 finalist for Greenville County Teacher of the Year.

    I have been married to my husband, Steven, for 32 years.  We have five children: Reese, our son-in-law (29) Jessica(29), Austin(27) ,Mary-Claire(23) and Gauge(12).  We recently welcomed our first grandbaby, Eleanor Grace!  We also have two dogs, a cat, and 15 chickens!

    Our favorite things to do as a family are to watch and play sports. We love the Greer Yellow Jackets and the South Carolina Gamecocks.  When we are home, which is a rare occasion, I enjoy reading and spending time with family.