
Welcome Teachers!

Did you know......

  • We have a professional library collection. It is housed in the media center office. Come get inspired!

  • Greenville County Schools have a materials center in which teachers can check out book sets and other materials. See the Instructional Materials Center Information paragraph below.

  • We have equipment for checkout

  • ActivSlates

  • Document cameras

  • MP3 players.

  • Book kits for centers which include books and CDs or cassettes

  • We have over 100 bilingual books and some books in Spanish only. These would be wonderful for our ESOL students to help them read.

  • Parents can check out books.

Instructional Materials Center Information

The instructional materials center (AKA Robbie Van Pelt Materials Center) has materials available for checkout to teachers. It houses books, class sets, MP3 players, video cameras, document cameras to name a few items.

These materials are checked out just like our media center, but they are delivered from another location by courier. Check out time frames are typically 2-6 weeks. You may request a material as soon as you know when you know you need it. The requests are filled first come, first served, so don't wait. The materials will be delivered the Tuesday or Friday of the date requested. You can use this link Robbie Van Pelt Instructional Materials Center http://mediacenter.greenville.k12.sc.us/common/welcome.jsp?site=201 to see what is available. You will need to contact me to request the books,

Teacher FAQs:

Q: Can I send my students to the media center for individual checkout?

A: Yes. At your convenience after the morning show and before 2:00. Send small groups with a note.

Q: Can I bring in my entire class for checkout at my unscheduled time?

A: Yes, but please check with myself or Ms. Blackwell to see if we have another class at that time.

Q: What do I do if I have a technology problem?

A: The best thing to do is to send an email or call me at 1305. My phone only rings 3 times, so leave a message. I will respond as soon as I can.

If it is a computer problem, please click on the GREEN H (Helpdesk6) on your desktop and send me the information on that screen along with a detailed explanation of what the problem is.