Parent Information

2023-2024 Willis 4th Grade Syllabus.pdf

Team Willis's Policies and Procedures for Success


          School and district policy suggests both Reading and Math homework daily.  With this in mind, students will be ENCOURAGED to read each night.  A homework sheet will come home each Monday with the entire week of assignments related to lessons being covered in class.  Math homework for the week will be due on FRIDAY (or the last day we are at school for the week).  If a student has a question on a particular problem, they can come ask me about it anytime throughout the week.  Students will have weekly vocab and spelling review. Students will need to be ready for any tests/quizzes throughout the week for their homework as well. This will be listed on our homework sheet for you.  I will explain all homework on the homework sheet. Please do not hesitate to email me if you have a question.   


Newsletters and Take Home Folder

          My newsletter will be able to help you know what your child is learning about at school. You will also be able to find important dates, what we are learning for the week, and any notes from me on our classroom newsletter.  You can always find our newsletter posted on our class website. I try to have it updated by Friday for the following week. Green Take Home Folders will go home each day your child attends school. If we have any graded work, I will have it back to you in their folders by the following week.


Grading Policies

          The district grading scale is:

          A – 90 – 100

          B – 80 – 89

          C – 70 – 79

          D – 60 – 69

          F – 59 and below

          *BCES has a grading floor of 50%.



          Please have a designated place at home for library books and textbooks so these are not lost or damaged.  I allow students to borrow my personal books and ask that they return them when they are finished.  Students will use the daily Take Home Folder for assignments, and a school supplied agenda to record their field trips, important dates, and other information. 


Snacks & Water

          Students may bring healthy snacks to eat during our snack break.  Students will continue to work as they eat, so snacks must not be messy nor require utensils.  Fruit snacks, apples, grapes, crackers, raisins, and popcorn are examples of good snacks.  Please do not send in candy for a snack.  Students may bring water bottles/bottled water to have in class.  Your child’s water bottle must have a tight, secure lid or cap that does not leak. Please make sure that your child brings plain water ONLY in their water bottles. Gatorade, Vitamin Water, juice bags/boxes, or any other water substitutes are not acceptable. If your child is unable to properly a water bottle, they will lose this privilege. 

Cell Phones

          Many students in elementary students are beginning to carry cell phones. Please see the school handbook for the cell phone policy for students. Students must follow the appropriate behaviors for phones and devices as outlined in the policy. In general, cell phones are not to be out or used during the school day (this includes texts, calls, internet use, camera, etc.).



          Fall conferences are in October.  I will send out a Sign up Genius link the first couple of weeks of September for you to sign up for a Fall Conference.  If you would like to set up additional conferences, please contact me to set up an appointment beforehand. You can let me know by email, phone call, or note, and I will respond with available times to meet with you. Conferences can be face to face, phone, or virtual if requested.


Student Absences and Transportation Changes

          When a student is absent, please send in an excuse.  Students will have 3 days to make up any missed work. However,  we can adjust this for extended absences.  If a student is out for a family vacation, I will not be able to gather work ahead of time for them to complete while away.  They will have the same amount of time to make up all missed work when they return.  A vacation will not count as an excused absence.  Any absences after ten require a doctor’s note.  If your child has a change in transportation, he/she must bring in a note about the change, or you can send an email to the office or myself.


Classroom Management

          Our classroom community will follow the district behavior policies, as well as those specific to Rudolph Gordon. Because I believe that all children are different and all actions and reactions are very personal in nature, my plan for effective discipline involves just one underlying premise rather than a long list of specific rules. As your child will discover in the first few days of school, there is just one rule to remember:

Feel free to do anything that does not create a problem for yourself or anyone else. 

*I do provide a positive behavioral support with "punch cards."  Students will receive a "punch" for homework, for going above or beyond, or for being especially respectful.  Once they have 10 punches, they get the chance to either go to the treasure box or get a coupon to use in class.