Mrs. Matthews' Marvelous Musicians

Contact Information:  Mrs. Matthews   (864) 355-3257  

Office Hours:  7:30 am - 7:55 am, 12:00 pm - 12:10 pm, 1:55 pm - 2:05pm, 2:45 pm - 3:00 pm.

See Singing Scouts chorus information on the Singing Scouts page!

Welcome to Music!  I love teaching music and hope your child 

will have a wonderful experience this year!

Music Mission Statement:  To generate excitement about and awareness of all genres of music, teach students an understanding of the basic elements of music, create and perform music, and integrate music with other disciplines. 

I Can Make Music Anywhere! 

I can make music anywhere!

Indoors or out in the open air!

In the music room with my friends at school

In my bedroom where I make the rules!

In the kitchen with pots and pans

In the den I can sing and dance!

I can sing a song in my head, 

Or sing it out real loud instead!

I can be riding in my car 

And on the way, play my guitar!

With instruments or with my voice,

I can make a melodic noise!