
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of education and has impacted how we provide education to students. Southside High School (SHS) will offer a Full-time Virtual Academy (VirtualSHS) during the 2020-2021 school year. Students enrolled in VirtualSHS will remain a Southside High School student and be taught by SHS teachers. VirtualSHS will offer comprehensive, tuition-free learning for virtual students enrolled at Southside High School.

Andre M. Dukes, Principal

Chromebook Repair for Virtual and eLearning Students.docx
Virtual STUDENTS Q and A Presentation.pptx
Virtual STUDENTS Q and A Presentation.pptx
2020-21 Virtual Bell Schedule.docx
First Four Days of School VirtualSHS only.docx
SHS Attendance and Truancy 2020-21.pdf
Q and A Virtual School.docx
RTS Introduction.pdf
Student Expectations VirtualSHS .pdf
Welcome Back 2020