
Plantations were self-sustained communities that depended on the institution of slavery

Plantation life required self-sustaining communities and depended on the institution of slavery for the production of goods and services needed to support plantations. Slaves did the work in the fields and in the plantation houses. They cleared the land, planted, cultivated, harvested and processed the crop, working from dawn to dusk six days a week. Women and children worked in the fields alongside the men under the supervision of a driver or an overseer. Slaves also had a diverse range of skills and might be hired out by the master who would collect the slave’s wages. Other slaves worked in the owners’ homes, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and raising the owners’ children.

Since slave owners had a large financial investment in slaves, they were concerned about their property and therefore some treated their slaves comparatively well, although others were brutal. Although the treatment of slaves varied from one owner to another, slaves were consistently denied their freedom and forced to work long hours. Slaves had little time to tend to their own families or to the plots that owners might allow them to cultivate for their own food. They were provided with a minimum of food, clothing, and shelter. Since the law did not recognize slave marriages, families were often separated through sale because of changes in the slave owner’s family or finances. The law also forbade teaching a slave to read and write.

Plantations were self-sustained communities that depended on the institution of slavery

Slaves lived in small cabins with dirt floors not far from the plantation owner’s home (the Big House) so they could remain under the watchful eye of the master. Slaves were constantly monitored to ensure that they did not run away. If they left the plantation, they had to carry a pass. Patrollers roamed the roads on constant watch for escaping slaves. Runaways were pursued and punished harshly when they were captured. Although there were a few slave revolts, the great majority of slaves were forced to confine their protests to work slow downs, surreptitious destruction of the master’s property, and feigned illnesses.

Plantations were self-sustained communities that depended on the institution of slavery

Although there were a few slave revolts, the great majority of slaves were forced to confine their protests to work slow downs, surreptitious destruction of the master’s property, and feigned illnesses. Although slaves were often separated from family members through sale, they created extended family ties and found some solace in religion. African Americans converted to Christianity and attended the white controlled church where they heard the preacher tell them that they should be content with their place in the world. However, in secret prayer meetings and in their spirituals, they placed a strong emphasis on freedom.

-Plantation life (for both master and slave) and its effects on society and politics in South Carolina

The Plantation System dominated South Carolina society and politics. The strict class system in South Carolina was based on slavery. The planter elite enjoyed great wealth, social position and political influence as a result of their dependence on slave labor. But plantation life for the slave owners was also hard work. Most goods were produced on the plantation and both the master and the mistress had responsibilities for making the plantation work. Sometimes overseers would be hired but all business decisions including the marketing of the crops and the managing of the slave population was the responsibility of the master. The mistress oversaw the running of the house and sometimes cared for slaves when they were sick. Such actions led southerners to justify slavery as a ‘positive good’ and claim that southern slaves were bettered cared for than factory workers in the North. These arguments contributed to the growing sectionalism that divided the nation.