Classroom News, Spelling, & Homework

October 12th--16th...

Classroom News:

** Book Fair will be this week. Flyers are coming home on Monday & Tuesday, and we shop on Wednesday & Thursday. :)

**I know it can be confusing with some of the lower-grades starting to incrementally return to a 5-day a week schedule; but, for now, third graders are still on the 2-day per week plan as we have been. Blue and green groups come to school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Red and purple groups come to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays will be eLearning for everyone.

**Reminder: Students DO NOT have to do the eLearning lessons on the 2 days that they are in school. They only do the eLearning lessons on the days that they do not come in to school. :)

**Related Arts this week: Monday and Tuesday groups will go to Guidance.

Wednesday & Thursday groups will go to Art.

Spelling: (20 words)

afraid also

been body

brush caught

coming doctor

finish heavy

kept past

prize really

point happen

everyone anything

behind happen


While we are attending school on a Plan 0, 1, or 2 option, we will not have traditional "homework". Once we are able to return to a 5-day in-school option, we will have "homework" a couple of evenings each week. The homework assignments will be placed here for your reference when that times comes.