
Teacher: Ashley deJong (HQ)







Phone: (864) 452-0200 (ext. 21221)

E-mail is always the most effective way to reach me throughout the day as you may have to wait until I am on break or the following day for a phone response. If you prefer to speak over phone I would be happy to schedule a time to call during my planning or other availability.

About ART 1 (8th grade honors art)

Students taking this course are structured in project-based major assignments. Students are also required to keep a daily sketchbook which will be graded and count toward a minor grade for each major assignment. Problem solving and decision making are emphasized throughout this course and the process for creating art is EQUALLY important as completed projects. Students will have weekly progress assessments to assist in accountability, organization, and reflection of their work. Problem solving and decision making are emphasized throughout Art I.

Art I is the foundation level for art study throughout high school. This course is primarily devoted to deliberate and systematic presentations of various art processes, procedures, theories, and historical developments. Students are provided a strong foundation in design, drawing and vocabulary in a teacher-structured environment. Students will have experiences in producing two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.

Mission Statement

Art exists all around us. It gives students the opportunity to experience the power of our creative imagination. Even if one does not consider themselves to be particularly artistic, knowledge of the visual arts will help to develop skills that can be used in other areas of life. Art challenges students. It challenges them to work with uncertainties and to pursue an aim even though its outcome may be unknown. Art motivates students to create, to think imaginatively, to execute new ideas and to reach for excellence.

SC Visual Arts Standards

The Greenville County middle school art content is based on the South Carolina State Standards. There are six areas of focus, and they apply to each grade. With each increasing grade level, students build upon prior skills and knowledge, and expectations will be increased.

Standard 1: Creating Works of Visual Art

The student will express original ideas and explore different forms of media and techniques in the creation of works of visual art.

Standard 2: Using Structures and Functions

The student will identify and demonstrate the elements of art and principles of design.

Standard 3: Exploring Content:

The student will examine the content of works of visual art and use elements from them in creating his or her own works.

Standard 4: History and Culture

The student will understand the visual arts in relation to history and world cultures and the technologies, tools, and materials used by artists, identify works as belonging to a particular time, place, and culture.

Standard 5: Interpreting Works of Visual Art

The student will analyze and assess the characteristics and qualities of his or her own works of visual art and those of others.

Standard 6. Making Connections

The student will make connections between the visual arts and other arts disciplines, other content areas, and the world.

Coursework will include:

Art projects

Art applications and techniques

Art history



1) Art Projects

Projects will include different art techniques and mediums covered in class

2) Quizzes/Tests

Quizzes may be given to further assess the progress of the student.

3) Notebook/Art Journals

Notebooks will be used to by students for note taking, sketching and rough drafts.

4) Writing Prompts

Students will have a variety of research and writing prompts to complete.

5) Class Work

will include different techniques and mediums, less in depth projects.



1. Sketchbook (pages should be roughly 8.5x11 or larger)

2. Pack of pencils (can be #2 wood pencils or mechanical)

3. Pack of color pencils (basic 12 pack or greater)

4. Personal pencil sharpener WISH LIST ITEMS FOR MRS. DEJONG'S ART ROOM (see QR code):

5. Scissors

6. Eraser/s (Pink or cap)

7. Pack color markers (8 pack or greater)

8. Ruler

9. Permanent markers (fine and ultra-tine tip)

10. Glue stick

11. Pencil pouch or large Ziploc bag labeled with student's name (to keep supplies in)

12. 1 piece poster board (can slide under my door)


1. Retractable click eraser

2. Pack drawing pencils including an 8B (I recommend Staedtler brand)

3. Pack tortillions/blending stumps

4. Multipack nylon paint brushes (for acrylic paint)

You can find nearly all of these materials at Target, Amazon, Walmart, Dollar General, the Dollar Tree, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Walgreens or CVS. Please feel free to email me at if your child needs any assistance with materials.

Mrs. deJong's Art Class Amazon Wish List


How the Artist Thinks

Academic Behaviors - You will be prepared to learn each day. This means that it is your responsibility to come attentive and positive. It is your responsibility to self-manage and complete tasks during class time. You will know how, where and when to get your questions answered.

Intellectual Openness - You will approach most of your projects as if you were working a job. The client and/or specific job you are “hired” to do may or may not be in line with your own personal preferences, opinions or style. You will have many choices within the parameters of the projects to draw on what you want to do. At times you will practice professional standards in terms of how to balance the wishes of you and your client.

Inquisitiveness - You will be presented with problems (projects) for which there are multiple right and wrong answers. You will approach each problem from multiple perspectives in search of your final solutions.

Analysis – (Artist Statements and Critiques) You will reflect on the effectiveness of your own project solutions as well as those of others. You will learn why some art/design work and why some doesn’t. You will go beyond “because it just looks cool” during this semester.

Behavior: Good behavior, to me, means treating other people with respect, giving yourself and others the chance to learn, and allowing me to facilitate the projects. Behavior which is disruptive, interfering and/or destructive is unacceptable and will result in an isolated learning environment losing access to materials and equipment.

Reasoning - You will ask yourself questions and need to be able to justify your solutions to yourself, the client and your audience. This will include justifying your work within the context of historical and current cultures and societies.

Problem Solving - Most of the time the solution to an art/ design problem involves skills that you don’t have yet. Your job will be to learn and apply the skills that the project solution requires...even if that means going above and beyond the class project requirements.

Precision and Accurateness – As artists, craftsmanship and expression are at the forefront. You will need to be able to accurately and effectively edit your work and finish your artwork completely and neatly in its entirety.

Writing and Presenting- Today’s artist and designer MUST be able to communicate visually AND verbally in an articulate manner. If you don’t, your competition will so we will learn these needed skills.

How Grading Works

Course Grading: The district complies with the State Board of Education policy regarding a statewide uniform grading scale.

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = 50-59

Grading Policy & Philosophy: Grades are earned. If all assignments are completed and you follow the criteria, you will earn a good grade. Grades are a result of class work, projects, and assessments. Half of every project grade is 50% behavior and the other 50% is related to the actual project. I’ve found that students who are attentive and participate learn well and create an environment where other students can learn well also. Through the year you will also be responsible for sketchbook entries which include art history research, sketches and note taking. This will count as a major assessment grade. These entries may be done when finished early with projects or may be done for homework. The due date for these sketches will be assigned in class and written on the board throughout the semester. No late assignments will be accepted.

Due Dates: It will be made clear throughout year when assignments are due. Assignments need to be turned in within the corresponding unit time frame.

Retake/Redo/Revise Policy and Late Work/Missing Work Policy (per student handbook)

Retake/Redo/Revise Expectations

If students earn less than their desired score on a major grade they may request to retake/redo/revise it one time per quarter. They will have five days from when the grade was issued to request to retake/redo/revise, and are required to complete a request for retake form. Teachers may allow students to retake, redo, or revise the assignment as long as the final product measures mastery of the same content. Students may be required to complete a remediation activity first. The recorded grade will be the higher grade. Unique situations will be handled on a case by case basis.

Late Work Expectations

Students will be allowed to turn in late work with no grading penalty, but may be asked to complete an alternate assignment after the assignment is 5 days late. Students may be given a behavior consequence for failure to complete work unless they have communicated with the teacher before the assignment is due.

We work. We have fun. We create!

This Related Arts class is fun and creative but that does not mean that it’s an “easy A” or a “kickback” class. I am here to help you learn and make it interesting but it is up to YOU to take responsibility for your experience in this class. Everyone can create art! If you put in an honest effort and remain on task during class time then you will do great and maybe even surprise yourself!