
We will be using various means of classroom management. First, we will use Class Dojo to earn rewards points. When portraying an IB Attitude well, students will receive a dojo point. At the end of the week, if they have 10 dojo points or more, they will be able to choose a reward. Some examples of rewards that may be chosen include: extra computer time, eating with a friend from the same grade level, positive note/call home, or homework pass.

As a class, we will be collecting brownie points from others in the building. Any time we get a compliment from another adult in the school (teachers, parents, custodians, etc.), we will place a brownie on our brownie pan. When the pan is filled, we will celebrate with a special class treat!

If a student breaks an element of our essential agreement, consequences may follow. The student will first be given a verbal warning and redirection. If the behavior continues, consequences will be given depending on the type and severity of the infraction. Some consequences include, but are not limited to: assigned activity/area during recess, removal from activity, phone call/email home, or discipline referral.