Let's Count

Hickory Hickory Dock

The students love to hear the teachers sing this song aloud especially emphasizing the tick-tock words. Count the tick-tock sounds with the students. Also, talk about the size of the animals that go up the clock.

Helpful Hints

Count with you child by tapping on table or floor. This will help to reinforce counting. Below are links for counting from 1-10 in Spanish. After playing the songs, show your child two numbers such as 2 and 4. Tell you child this 2 and this is 4, then ask them to touch or eye gaze at 2. Give them plenty enough of wait. Also you can show one number at a time, ask them to touch or eye gaze at the number you are holding. The numbers can be drawn on paper or cut out, whatever you have at home will work. Keep it simple.

Color Farm Song

The Color Farm Song works on colors, size, shape, and letters. The song also spells out the colors, please sing those aloud to you child while pointing the letters.

Aprender acerca de los opuestos, como Big and Little & Up and Down. Cante y baile con su hijo.

The Video is about Opposites such, as Big and Little, Up and Down.

2x2 symbol stix cards.docx