Law Education 



Law Education (STREET LAW) 10th EDITION

Street Law: A Course in Practical Law,
10th Ed.

On McGraw Hill site:
Street Law: A Course in Practical Law, 2021

Students May use the Physical Hardback in class and have Online Access

McGraw Hill

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Law Education Syllabus 2023-2024

Robert Berry, Hillcrest High School 

Course Description:

Law Education is designed to focus on developing in students the knowledge and skills necessary to live in our law-saturated society.

This course will help provide a practical understanding of law and the legal system that will be of use to students in their everyday lives.  This course should also help improve students understanding of the fundamental principles and values underlying the U.S. Constitution, laws and legal system and promote awareness of current issues and controversies relating to law and the legal system.  Our hope is that all students will be encouraged to be effective and informed participants in our democracy with a greater sense of justice, tolerance and fairness.


UNIT:                                                                CHAPTERS:                 ALLOTTED TIME:         

I.  Introduction to Law and the Legal System               1-6                                3 Weeks                       

  A.  What is Law & Lawmaking                                    1-2                                2 Week2

  B.  The Court System & Lawyers                                5-6                                1 Week          


II.  Criminal Law and Juvenile Justice                  7-10                                      2 Weeks                       

  A.  Crime in America & Intro. to Criminal Law                  7-8                          1 Week            

  B.  Crimes Against the Person & Property            9-10                        1 Week


III.  (Part II)  Criminal Proceedings                          11-17                                 3 Weeks           

  A.  Defenses & Investigation                                  11-12                                 1 Weeks           

  B.  Proceedings Before Trial & The Trial                           13-14                                 1 Week

  C.  Sentencing-Corrections-Juvenile Justice and

       Terrorism Law.                                                             15-17                      1 Week                                                                                  

III. Torts                                                                18-22                                  1.5 Weeks                       

 A.  Civil Wrong & Intentional Torts                        18-19                      1 Week

 B.  Negligence, Liability and Public Policy                20-22                  1 Week


IV.  Consumer and Housing Law                         23-29                                  2 Weeks                       

A.  Contracts, Warranties and Credit         24-25                                    1 Week           

B.  Deceptive Sales ,Consumer Rights

      Auto and Housing.                                         26-29                                   1 Week

(Note that this pacing schedule should be considered flexible and is subject to change at any time as the semester progresses)


Required Text: Street Law -- A Course in Practical Law (Glencoe/MCGraw Hill)

Required Materials: 2 notebooks – one for your bellwork journal and one for taking notes etc

I will provide the bellwork journal, but you will be responsible for the notes-taking notebook.


Major Assessment/Calculation of Grades:

1.       Students will be tested as chapters are complete.  Tests will consist of textbook readings, notes, activities, homework, classwork, videos, and class discussions.

2.       Classwork will be assigned regularly.

     3.    Required projects may be assigned periodically throughout the semester.

     4.    Quizzes may be announced or not.


Grading Procedures:  

     Major Assessments (Tests, etc)-60%

     Minor Assessments (Homework/Classwork, Quizzes, etc)-40%

These percentages are in alignment with district policy.

*Please note that Exams are now worth 20% of a student's final Grade. This Change was made for the 2022-2023 School Year.*

Homework Policy:

     Homework comes from previewing material to be covered in class, leftover classwork, studying for tests and any material or reading that will enhance the learning process of the student or reinforce lessons taught.  Even when there is not an assignment, students should review any and all notes taken during class.  Unless the student has an excused absence, late work will not be accepted.


Missed Work/Make-up Policy:

     Make-up work is the students’ responsibility.  Students who are absent from school have five days to make up any work they missed.  After the fifth day, a grade of zero is given.  Tests may be made up before school, during the student’s class or lunch, or after school (by appointment), at my discretion.  It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a make-up test.  An unexcused absence will result in null grades for any work missed.


Attendance and Policies:

    - Attendance:  To receive credit for this course, student absences must not exceed five 

       days.  Any absence after the fifth, must be accompanied by a doctor’s note or have 

       administrative approval.

    -  See Student/Parent Handbook for further explanation of these policies.


Rules for Student Behavior:

     1.  Students should be in their assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.    

          Administrative detention will be assigned on the fourth tardy, early dismissal 

          (except doctor’s notes), or combination of the two. 

     2.  Students’ must bring necessary materials to class.  A class notebook, folder, pen/pencil, ID 

          badge, and textbook are needed every day.  Students will not be allowed to leave 

          class to get these items.  Students will not be allowed in class without an ID badge.

     3.  Once the bell rings for class to begin, I expect the students’ polite attention for the 

          entire period.

     4.  Be respectful to teachers and classmates.

     5.  All school policies will be followed in the classroom.

     6.  To allow class to move smoothly, I require that students place their bookbags or other materials, under their desks, and refrain from placing their feet or heads on the desks of others. 

***Important Syllabus UPDATE/CHANGES due to elearning and social distancing:  


All assignments will be posted on Google Classroom and on our class calendar. You will submit work to me through Google Classroom. 


You need to be school appropriate when on any Google Meet session. 

This means appropriate background, appropriate language, muting yourself unless asked a question or responding, physically raising your hand if you have a question.


When you are in eLearning, you will be required to log in and complete the assignments as they are posted on Google Classroom. Please pay attention to the due dates. 

Late Assignments

Late assignments will be penalized 10 points each day they are late.  No late material will be accepted after the unit has closed (see syllabus above). 


I will not have before school, after-school, or lunchtime tutoring. If you need extra help at any time please reach out to me to schedule something virtually.