Chrome Depot @ RMS

Hours: 7:30-3:30 Monday -Thursday in D110

Andrea Creech, Technology Assistance Coordinator/Clerk or (864) 355-7901

Chromebook Agreement Form

All students must complete the Riverside Middle School Chromebook Agreement Form  before checking out a Chromebook and Charger. Any student who owes a fee, charger, or chromebook to RMS or another school will not receive a chromebook to take home.

Chromebook Covers - IMPORTANT

We recommend that students who receive a gray Chromebook with no cover order a Chromebook Cover for added protection. Here is one from Amazon that will work with the gray Chromebook. This is optional and it is the responsibility of the parent and student to purchase this from Amazon.


If your student received a black Chromebook, they should also have received a cover. If they did not, they can check in the Chrome Depot to see if extras are available at no cost. The Chrome Depot may or may not have extras for the black Chromebooks.


We suggest cases for all Chromebooks as added protection from damage. They are not required.


Logging into your Chromebooks

Students should use instruction in this link when logging in for the first time. It is recommended that students change their passwords by asking their teacher or visiting the Chrome Depot. Returning students should use the last password they used when logging into their chromebooks.


Students may visit the Chrome Depot for troubleshooting and repair to the Chromebooks or Chargers. If the chromebook needs to be sent out to the repair facility, the student will use pencil and paper until the chromebook is returned. Loaner chromebooks may not be available. Additionally, students may visit this link for troubleshooting that they can do to help problems with chromebooks.

Student Responsible Use of Technology

1. Respect and protect their privacy and the privacy of others by doing the following:

        a. Use only assigned accounts and keep passwords secret.

        b. Keep personal information such as: name, address, phone number, etc., offline.

        c. Have permission to photograph or videotape other individuals and to subsequently post these images or videos to the Internet.

2. Respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources.

        a. Observe all network security practices.

        b. Treat digital technologies with care, report any damages, security risks or violations to a teacher or administrator.

3. Respect and protect the copyrighted/intellectual property of others.

        a. Cite all sources appropriately.

        b. Follow all copyright laws.

        c. Use electronic communication devices appropriately to assure academic integrity.

4. Respect and practice the principles of community.

        a. Communicate only in ways that are kind, responsible, respectful and lawful.

        b. Use electronic communication devices for schoolwork only.

        c. Limit the use of Greenville County School District email for school-related email and projects.

        d. Report threatening or offensive materials to a teacher or administrator.

5. Respect the property of Greenville County Schools.

        a. Do not loan the Chromebook to friends or family members

        b. Do not disassemble the Chromebook or case

        c. Do not leave the Chromebook in an unsecure location or near water or food

Chromebook Damage

Unintentional/Accidental Damage:
First Offense: Administration contact, Parent contact, Replacement/repair at no cost to the student
Second Offense: Administration contact, Parent contact, Repair cost assessed to student and/or parent/guardian

A replacement device will not be issued until repair cost is paid by the parent or student and the device is repaired.

Intentional/Deliberate Damage: For all incidents of intentional and deliberate damage, a discipline referral will be made and parents will be contacted. The student and the student’s parents/guardians are responsible for the cost of repair or replacement, whichever is less, when a device is damaged or destroyed because the student committed or intentionally facilitated a deliberate act of damage or vandalism. 

Pay here for Damaged Chromebook . You must enter the amount indicated in the email you received regarding damage.

Missing/lost charger: The cost of a replacement charger is $31. Cash only in person or pay through My School Bucks. Chargers purchased from other sources may damage the chromebook so only use the school-issued Lenovo charger. Pay here for a Lost Charger . 

Missing/Lost Chromebooks and Chargers

Students should not leave Chromebooks unattended.  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the safety of their device at all times, much as they would with their cell phone or other valuable items. If a device is damaged by another student as a result of being left unattended, the student who is assigned the chromebook is responsible.

Students should charge their Chromebooks at home each night and not bring their chargers to school.

Students should report missing Chromebooks to Mrs. Creech in the Chrome Depot.  All efforts will be made to locate the missing chromebook prior to assessing a replacement cost to the student for a lost chromebook. Leaving a chromebook unattended at school, in unlocked cars, at school events, or in any other unsecured location does not warrant replacement without paying a replacement fee. If a chromebook is stolen, the parents/guardians should submit a copy of the police report to the grade level administration for the chromebook to be replaced. 

Students who do not return chromebooks and chargers to Riverside Middle School when transferring to another school will owe a debt for the replacement cost.

Chromebook Expectations for Students

Students will...

Google Classroom

GCSD uses Google Classroom. This is a video  to help students and parents/guardians understand Google Classroom.

Conduct warranting disciplinary action includes but is not limited to:

Misuse of your Chromebook has the potential to earn disciplinary consequences such as, but not limited to:

Can the district track web history?

Yes. The district can track information on what sites students were on, when they were on them, and how long they were on those sites. 

Will the district’s internet filter and privacy regulation carry over on the device at home?

Yes, the district’s internet filter will be enforced while the student is on campus as well as off campus. Students have no expectation of confidentiality or privacy with respect to any usage of a district issued Chromebook, regardless of whether that use is for district-related or personal purposes. The District may, without prior notice or consent, log, supervise, access, view, monitor, and record use of student Chromebooks at any time for any reason related to the operation of the District. By using a Chromebook, students agree to such access, monitoring, and recording of their use.