Sentence Study Extra Credit

For every 2 IXLs that you complete with a 100%, you are able to earn one extra credit point. You have the opportunity to earn up to 7 points extra credit. 

Social Studies Notes

Unit 4 Study Guide .pdf

Science Notes

Study for Changes in the Geosphere - Friday 12/1

Unit 3 - Changes in the Geosphere Study Guide .pdf

Division Strategies

Rectangular Array Division

Rectangular Array - The audio improves after a few seconds!

Rectangular Array with Magic Facts.webm

Rectangular Array (w/ Magic Facts) - This is a great strategy to use if you need more support with your multiplication facts

IXL Math Practice

Multiplication Fluency 

F1, F2, F3, F4, F5

Factors & Multiples

G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8