
Description of Resource Room

The purpose of this class is to provide specialized, small group instruction for students to develop and strengthen skills needed for success in reading, math, and writing. Nonacademic instruction is provided for social skills, behavior, and executive functioning skills. Goals are specified in the Individual Education Plan.

All students participate in the general education curriculum for social studies and science at their grade level. A copy of the accommodations page is provided to appropriate general education teachers. Supplemental lessons are also provided to support instruction received in the general education classroom.

Units of Instruction

Reading: Phonemic Awareness,


Word Structure

Comprehension Skills: (I.E. Main Idea & Details, Sequencing, Conclusions, Inferences)


Writing: Spelling Generalizations

Sentence and Paragraph Structure


The Writing Process

Math: Number Systems

Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division


Time and Money

Story Problems

Instructional Materials

Methods and materials are adapted to students' needs using multi-sensory and other specialized approaches including Reading Horizons reading materials, math manipulatives, educational software, and a variety of high interest/ low level readability literature.

Assessment Procedures

The students who are assigned to this class have been formally identified as having academic or nonacademic difficulties that significantly impact their educational progress. Each student has an Individual Education Plan with appropriate goals and objectives, and criterion for mastery of those objectives.

Parents will receive progress reports for their child’s specific IEP objectives every quarter. Evaluations to measure progress will include curriculum-based assessments, teacher-made tests, program mastery tests, standardized tests, writing and work samples, running records, and teacher observations.

Progress toward the students’ IEP objectives are recorded as follows:

· Mastered

· Satisfactory Progress

· Minimal Progress

· Not introduced/ taught yet

All students participate in the appropriate state and district assessments including MAP, District Benchmarks, and the South Carolina Readiness Assessment. All students will take the assessment on their grade level with the appropriate accommodations. These accommodations are stated in the students’ IEPs.

Rules for Student Behavior

To make sure we use our resource time to its full potential, it is imperative that I have complete participation and cooperation. Students are to obey the school rules as stated in the school handbook. Classroom rules/consequences and rewards are explained and reviewed as needed. An immediate office referral will be made for willfully hurting others or blatant disrespect.

Classroom Rules for Student Behavior

1. Follow directions

2. Work in a safe manner

3. Work quietly and do not disturb others

4. Listen when others are talking

Expectations for Small Group Instruction

During group time, students are to be active learners (sit up straight, track with their finger, answer on cue, and listen to their classmates).

During group time, students are to be respectful learners (raise their hand and wait for permission to ask for help or to make a comment; use appropriate language. )

During lesson presentations, students may not use the bathroom unless it is an emergency. Students are free to use the bathroom with permission during independent work and non-instructional times.

Procedures for Non-instructional Routines

The special education teacher will pick up resource students from their classroom, unless an older group with advanced time management skills can arrive on time each day. Students are expected to follow school-wide rules for walking in hallways.

Students will go to lunch and recess with their general education homeroom teacher.

In the event of a fire drill, students will quietly walk to the designated area outside.

In the event of a tornado drill, students will walk into the hallway to crouch against the wall quietly.

Communication with Parents

Parents are contacted throughout the year with notes, calls, emails, IEP progress reports, school newsletters, and conferences. Parents are encouraged to email or call the school to discuss any concerns with the teacher.