Service Hour Opportunities

Need Service Hours?

Service Hour Opportunity:

Please donate food items and drinks for us to sell at the concession stands on FUN FRIDAYS. This money will be collected for school improvement projects and for Relay for Life.

Due to Covid precautions, items need to be purchased from a store and individually wrapped. For example, you can donate a 12-pack of Coke in cans, a bag of individually wrapped candies like ring pops, or a box of Little Debbie snack cakes. Please turn in items to Ms. Skardon in room 617 any morning beginning at 8:10 am.

All items for our next FUN FRIDAY need to be turned in by Thursday, December 9th.

Each Beta Club Member is asked to complete a minimum of 3 service hours per semester. Service hour credit can be received for any volunteer work that you do without receiving any payment or reward. You can find suggested service hours above in case you need ideas.