Monthly Focus Learning

Students will learn, talk, and write about concepts, vocabulary, events, and topics associated with the seasonal changes using age-appropriate sound production, vocabulary, sentences, and conversation skills in their school environment.


Students who have difficulty with correct sound production in isolation, syllables, words, phrases, sentences, and/or conversation will practice correction sound production when participating in instructional games and/or completing worksheets about concepts and vocabulary associated with the changes in the seasons.


Students who have difficulty using a normal voice quality will practice improving theses skills when participating in instructional games and/or completing worksheets about concepts and vocabulary associated with the changes in the seasons.


Students who have difficulty with answering simple/complex questions, comparing/contrasting, describing commonly used nouns, defining age-appropriate vocabulary, and comprehending and using age-appropriate vocabulary in complete sentences will practice improving theses skills when participating in instructional games and/or completing worksheets about concepts and vocabulary associated with the changes in the seasons.


Student who have difficulty with using appropriate social and interaction skills will practice improving theses skills when participating in instructional games and/or completing worksheets about concepts and vocabulary associated with the changes in the seasons.


Students who have difficulty with maintaining a smooth and fluent speech rate pattern will practice improving theses skills when participating in instructional games and/or completing worksheets about concepts and vocabulary associated with the changes in the seasons.